- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with dsc_collection
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This modules configures the necessary requirements to use The new Puppet Labs Windows Desired State Configuration (DSC) module.
The modules shows the easy integration of existing PowerShell DSC Configurations with Puppet.
The module configures the following:
- Makes sure the Windows Update Service is up and running
- Makes sure the Windows Management Framework and PowerShell v5 - Preview is installed. Implemented workaround for chocolatey via custom fact chocolatey_packages
- Configures the LCM refresh_mode as Disabled.
- Reboots after installation and configurations
- creates a new custom fact chocolatey_packages with informations about the installed packages via chocolatey.
After successfully using the config module you can start to use the following test classes:
- fourthcoffee.pp - Installs IIS, .NET ASP 4.5, Disables the Default Webside and configures a new Webside with fourthcoffee application.
- archive.pp - Example how to extract archive zip file
- environment.pp - Example how to configure system environment variable.
- package.pp - Example how to install software with package resource.
- registry.pp - Example how to manage different Registry keys and values.
- service.pp - Example how to manage a service
- userandgroup.pp - Example how to manage a local user and a local group.
- webpage.pp - Example how to install IIS, .NET ASP 4.5, IIS by installing from a ZIP file available via local or UNC path.
First classify your nodes with the config class to be sure all necessary configurations are applied before using one of the example classes.
Please create new issues at the official GitHub repo or send me pull requests to add additional examples/features.
Please use this module with caution as it is 0.x.x Release!