Repository for PRF mapping experiment stimulus
Requirements: psychopy and exptools2
Create setting files named expsettings_Task.yml within the Experiment folder. Change Task to your actual task name. Run the following line from within the Experient folder.
- python sub-xxx ses-x task-NameTask run-x
Subject SHOULD be specified according the the BIDS convention (sub-001, sub-002 and so on), Task MUST match one of the settings files in the Experiment folder, and Run SHOULD be an integer.
Marco's PRF mapping
The Experiment folder contains 5 setting files, which can be used as examples. The Task names are:
- 2R: 2 squares, Regular speed (20TR bar passes, aka 30 seconds with our standard sequence)
- 4R: 4 squares, Regular speed
- 1R: 1 square, Regular speed
- 4F: 4 squares, Fast speed (10TR bar passes, double the normal speed)
- 1S: 1 square, Slow speed (40TR bar passes, half the normal speed)
Note that the actual task (fixation dot color discrimination) is identical in all 5 cases.
Settings file
In the settings file you should specify the operating system that the code is running on, as "operating system: your OS" as 'mac', 'linux' or 'windows' This is mainly important if you run the stimulus on a mac, as the size of the stimulus needs to be adjusted in that case.
You can change the task parameters in the settings file under "Task settings:"
- you can specify how much time you allow for the participant to respond that still counts as correct response (default is 0.8s), as "response interval: your time"
- you can specify the timing of the color switches (default is 3.5s), as "color switch interval: your interval" Note: Make sure that the difference between two adjacent color switches is bigger than the time you give the participant to respond. The code adds a randomization of max. +1 or -1 to the color switch times, so e.g. in case of a color switch interval of 3.5, the two closest adjacent color switches will be 1.5s apart, well outside the response interval of 0.8s.