Version 4
Release of Sunbeam version 4! This version includes the outsourcing of many non-essential parts of the pipeline to optional extensions, integration of snakemake profiles to simplify the command line and make interactions with various cluster/cloud management systems easier, a new and improved testing suite (written with PyTest), and various bug fixes and QoL improvements.
- Many components of sunbeam have been moved extensions to minimize installation and usage issues with the core pipeline, qc and decontam are the remaining core components
- Deprecated --cluster-config snakemake option replaced with profiles, also reduces sunbeam's command line interface by moving options to the profile
- Improved logging and reporting standards for sunbeam and extensions
- Restructured to snakemake standards for tarball installation methods
- Switch test suite from bash to pytest to increase ease and efficiency of testing
- Updated documentation
- Fixed minor bugs in sunbeam config modify
- Added cutadapt options to sunbeam config
- Catch empty fastqc reports that would otherwise error out
- Replace os.system calls with subprocess
- Use unmapped reads directly from samtools instead of previous method of filtering them manually
- Remove rbt and biopython, rewriting functions manually instead of using heavy dependencies
- Improving filter_reads efficiency on large hostid sets and catching errors in sequence header matching