Welcome to our first open source project! This widget is intended to be a Vue.js app that could be embbeded in any website with just a JS/HTML/CSS file. We will publish more details whenever we can! Meanwhile, feel free to give any feedback you want by opening issues.
Any help is welcomed. Even opinions on the project itself. Just fork the development branch, commit changes in that branch and then, make a pull request to the original development branch. We will review it and merged it.
If you want to fix an issue, we recommend you to add a comment on that specific issue you are working on, to avoid duplicate pull requests (and wasting your time). Obviusly, feel free to open as many issues as you like, just make sure to use the right label.
You can see this is not a huge project, so don't be afraid to contribute.
If this is your first open source contribution check out this links first:
Creating a pull request
Syncing a fork (in case you don't want to make a fork for every change you make)
Last but not least, thank you for your help!
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
Message icon by Gregor Cresnar
Close icon by Chanut