Renders Tabler Icons by downloading individual icons to the priv directory of the parent application during development, and loading them from files at runtime.
This library is tested against the latest 3 versions of Elixir.
def deps do
{:tablerone, "~> 1.0"}
In config.exs
, configure tablerone with the :otp_app
of the parent application, so that icons can be
loaded from the proper priv directory at run time.
import Config
config :tablerone, :otp_app, <:my_app>
Run the mix task to download one or more icons.
mix --type <filled | outline> <icon-name> <icon-name-2> ...
An example heex component for rendering the icon.
attr :name, :atom, required: true
attr :type, :atom, required: true, values: [:filled, :outline]
attr :class, :list, default: []
defp icon(assigns) do
name = assigns[:name]
type = assigns[:type]
icon_contents = Tablerone.icon(name, type)
assigns =
assign_new(assigns, :icon_contents, fn ->
class = [class: assigns[:class]] |> Phoenix.HTML.attributes_escape() |> Phoenix.HTML.safe_to_string()
String.replace(icon_contents, ~r{class="[^"]+"}, class)
<%= Phoenix.HTML.raw(@icon_contents) %>