the model runs inside a conda environment, the setup of that is described README_modell.md
detailed information is in README_modell.md, email.txt and fit_modell.ipynb as well as comments in the source code in util/modell.py
- put unzipped empatica files into the dataset folder, in a subfolder named after the participant
- edit the score_and_help_indicator.csv file to include the new participant and the session that was recoreded
- run retrain_modell.py (currently, I dont know if there is any cross correlation between participants, but the more, the longer it takes)
configure the participants to look for in the file cogni_streamer.py and run it. It will look for empatica data on the LSL network of those participatns, calculate their load and publish the result again to LSL
e4_emulator.py reads empatica files in the "dataset" folder and outputs directly, as if the people are wearing the wristband just now.
e4_lowpass.py attempts to read the same stream, lowpass filters the heart rate and returns a sample of hr, gsr and acc vector length.