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[def] common-lisp inspired 'def' macro
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like define, but optionally accepts
- contracts
- pre/post conditions
- docstring
- tests
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bennn committed May 29, 2017
1 parent 204b80c commit be25d35
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Showing 4 changed files with 237 additions and 0 deletions.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions def/def-test.rkt
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#lang racket/base

;; NOTE: every `#:test` clause expands to a `module+ test`

(require syntax-parse-example/def/def)

(module+ test
(require (only-in rackunit check-exn)))

(def (plus1 (x : integer?))
"Add 1 to the given integer"
#:test [
((plus1 1) ==> 2)
((plus1 2) ==> 3)]
(+ x 1))

(module+ test
(check-exn #rx"plus1: contract violation.*expected: integer?"
(λ () (plus1 'a))))

(def (times3 y)
"Multiply given number by 3"
#:test [
((times3 3) ==> 9) ]
(+ y y y))

(def (gcd (x : integer?) (y : integer?))
"greatest common divisor"
#:pre [
(>= "First argument must be greater-or-equal than second")]
#:test [
((gcd 10 3) ==> 1)
((gcd 12 3) ==> 3)]
[(zero? y) x]
[else (gcd y (- x (* y (quotient x y))))]))

(module+ test
(check-exn #rx"must be greater"
(λ () (gcd 1 4))))

(def (zardoz x)
"Return 42"
#:test [
((zardoz 0) ==> 42)
((zardoz "asdf") ==> 42)]
#:post [
((λ (r) (equal? r 42)) "should always return 42")]

(def (hello)
"prints 'hello'"
#:test [
((hello) ==> (void) #:stdout "hello\n")]
(printf "hello\n"))
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions def/def.rkt
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide def)
(require rackunit (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))

(define-syntax-class arg-spec
#:attributes (name type)
#:datum-literals (:)
(name:id : type:expr))
#:with type #'#f))

(define-syntax-class doc-spec

(define-syntax (def stx)
(syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (==>)
[(_ (name:id arg*:arg-spec ...)
(~or ;; using (~or (~once a) ...) to simulate an unordered (~seq a ...)
(~once (~describe #:role "docstring" "docstring" doc:doc-spec))
(~once (~seq #:test ((in* ==> out*
(~optional (~seq #:stdout expected-output*:str)
#:defaults ([expected-output* #'#f])))
(~once (~optional (~seq #:pre ([check-pre* pre-doc*:doc-spec] ...))
#:defaults ([(check-pre* 1) '()] [(pre-doc* 1) '()])))
(~once (~optional (~seq #:post ([check-post* post-doc*:doc-spec] ...))
#:defaults ([(check-post* 1) '()] [(post-doc* 1) '()])))) ...
#:with check-types
#'(for ([arg-name (in-list (list arg*.name ...))]
[arg-type (in-list (list arg*.type ...))]
[i (in-naturals)]
#:when arg-type)
(unless (arg-type arg-name)
(raise-argument-error 'name (symbol->string (object-name arg-type)) i arg-name)))
#:with check-pre
#'(for ([pre-check (in-list (list check-pre* ...))]
[pre-doc (in-list (list pre-doc* ...))])
(unless (pre-check arg*.name ...)
(raise-user-error 'name pre-doc)))
#:with check-post
#'(lambda (result)
(for ([post-check (in-list (list check-post* ...))]
[post-doc (in-list (list post-doc* ...))])
(unless (post-check result)
(error 'name post-doc))))
#:with test-cases
#'(module+ test
(let* ([p (open-output-string)]
[result-val (parameterize ([current-output-port p]) in*)]
[result-str (begin0 (get-output-string p)
(close-output-port p))])
(check-equal? result-val out*)
(when expected-output*
(check-equal? result-str expected-output*)))
(define (name arg*.name ...)
(let ([result body])
(begin0 result
(check-post result)))))]))
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions def/def.scrbl
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@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#lang syntax-parse-example
(for-label racket/base syntax/parse syntax-parse-example/def/def)]

@(define def-eval
(make-base-eval '(require syntax-parse-example/def/def)))


@; =============================================================================

@examples[#:eval def-eval
(module snoc racket/base
(require syntax-parse-example/def/def)
(def (snoc (x* : list?) x)
"Append the value `x` to the end of the given list"
#:test [
((snoc '(1 2) 3) ==> '(1 2 3))
((snoc '(a b) '(c)) ==> '(a b (c)))]
(append x* (list x)))
(provide snoc))
(require 'snoc)
(eval:error (snoc 1 '(2 3)))
(snoc '(1 2) 3)

The @racket[def] macro is similar to @racket[define] but:
requires a docstring
requires test cases;
optionally accepts contract annotations on its arguments; and
optionally accepts pre- and post- conditions.

@examples[#:eval def-eval
(module gcd racket/base
(require syntax-parse-example/def/def)
(def (gcd (x : integer?) (y : integer?))
"greatest common divisor"
#:pre [
(>= "First argument must be greater-or-equal than second")]
#:test [
((gcd 10 3) ==> 1)
((gcd 12 3) ==> 3)]
[(zero? y) x]
[else (gcd y (- x (* y (quotient x y))))]))
(provide gcd))
(require 'gcd)
(eval:error (gcd 42 777))
(gcd 777 42)

If the docstring or test cases are missing, @racket[def] throws a syntax error.

@examples[#:eval def-eval
(eval:error (def (f x)
(eval:error (def (f x)
(eval:error (def (f x)
#:test [((f 1) ==> 1)]

How to read the macro:
@itemlist[#:style 'ordered
The @racket[begin-for-syntax] defines two syntax classes (see @secref["Syntax_Classes" #:doc '(lib "syntax/scribblings/syntax.scrbl")]).
The first syntax class, @racket[arg-spec], captures arguments with an optional contract annotation.
The second, @racket[doc-spec], captures docstrings.
The large @racket[~or] pattern captures the required-and-optional stuff that
@racket[def] accepts---in particular, the docstring, the @racket[#:test] test cases,
the @racket[#:pre] pre-conditions, and the @racket[#:post] post-conditions.
The four @racket[#:with] clauses build syntax objects that run unit tests
and/or checks.

The @racket[def] macro:


This macro gives poor error messages when the docstring or test
cases are missing.
The @racket[doc-spec] syntax class could be extended to accept Scribble, or
another kind of docstring syntax.
A @racket[#:test] case may optionally use the @racket[#:stdout] keyword.
If given, the test will fail unless running the test prints the same string
to @racket[current-output-port].
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions index.scrbl
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Expand Up @@ -19,3 +19,4 @@

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