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iOS 14.0+ Swift 5.3+ Xcode 12.0+


Swift Package Manager (recommended)

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.6.3"))

SDK usage

0. Please make sure you've added in your Info.plist

Feel free to edit descriptions according to your App

<string>This allows Tabby to take a photo</string>
<string>This allows Tabby to select a photo</string>
<string>For secure verification on the checkout step</string>

1. Init Tabby when your app starts (AppDelegete or @main)

TabbySDK.shared.setup(withApiKey: "__API_KEY_HERE__")

2. Prepare view

import Tabby

let customerPayment = Payment(
    amount: "340",
    currency: .AED,
    description: "tabby Store Order #3",
    buyer: Buyer(
        email: "[email protected]",
        phone: "500000001",
        name: "Yazan Khalid",
        dob: nil
    buyer_history: BuyerHistory
        registered_since: "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        loyalty_level: 0
    order: Order(
        reference_id: "#xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx",
        items: [
                description: "Jersey",
                product_url: "",
                quantity: 1,
                reference_id: "SKU123",
                title: "Pink jersey",
                unit_price: "300",
                category: "Clothes"
        shipping_amount: "50",
        tax_amount: "100"
    order_history: [
        // Send a non-empty order history array when possible
            purchased_at: "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            amount: "10",
            status: .new,
            shipping_address: ShippingAddress(
                address: "Sample Address #2",
                city: "Dubai",
                zip: "01234"
    shipping_address: ShippingAddress(
        address: "Sample Address #2",
        city: "Dubai",
        zip: "01234"

let myTestPayment = TabbyCheckoutPayload(merchant_code: "ae", lang: .en, payment: customerPayment)

in your CartScreenView etc in .onAppear or viewDidLoad
.onAppear() {
    TabbySDK.shared.configure(forPayment: myTestPayment) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let s):
            // 1. Do something with sessionId (this step is optional)
            print("sessionId: \(s.sessionId)")
            // 2. Do something with paymentId (this step is optional)
            print("paymentId: \(s.paymentId)")
            // 2. Grab avaibable products from session and enable proper
            // payment method buttons in your UI (this step is required)
            print("tabby available products: \(s.tabbyProductTypes)")
            if (s.tabbyProductTypes.contains(.installments)) {
                self.isTabbyInstallmentsAvailable = true
        case .failure(let error):
            // Do something when Tabby checkout session POST requiest failed

3. Launch Tabby checkout

SDK is built for your convenience - once TabbySDK.shared.configure(forPayment: myTestPayment) { result in ... } is called - you can render something like this if modal / sheet / seguway / NavigationLink / ViewController etc - whatever fits your UI and app structure. With both SwiftUI and UIKit

.sheet(isPresented: $isTabbyOpened, content: {
    TabbyCheckout(productType: openedProduct, onResult: { result in
        print("TABBY RESULT: \(result) !")
        switch result {
        case .authorized:
            // Do something else when Tabby authorized customer
            // probably navigation back to Home screen, refetching, etc.
            self.isTabbyOpened = false
        case .rejected:
            // Do something else when Tabby rejected customer
            self.isTabbyOpened = false
        case .close:
            // Do something else when customer closed Tabby checkout
            self.isTabbyOpened = false
        case .expired:
            // Do something else when session expired
            // We strongly recommend to create new session here by calling
            // TabbySDK.shared.configure(forPayment: myTestPayment) { result in ... }
            self.isTabbyOpened = false


Full example code goes here

struct CheckoutExampleWithTabby: View {
    @State var isTabbyInstallmentsAvailable = false

    @State var openedProduct: TabbyProductType = .installments
    @State var isTabbyOpened: Bool = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button(action: {
                openedProduct = .installments
                isTabbyOpened = true
            }, label: {
                HStack {
                    Text("My Tabby 'Installments' fancy Button")
                        .foregroundColor(isTabbyInstallmentsAvailable ? .black : .white)

        .sheet(isPresented: $isTabbyOpened, content: {
            TabbyCheckout(productType: openedProduct, onResult: { result in
                print("TABBY RESULT: \(result)!!!")
                switch result {
                case .authorized:
                    // Do something else when Tabby authorized customer
                    // probably navigation back to Home screen, refetching, etc.
                    self.isTabbyOpened = false
                case .rejected:
                    // Do something else when Tabby rejected customer
                    self.isTabbyOpened = false
                case .close:
                    // Do something else when customer closed Tabby checkout
                    self.isTabbyOpened = false
                case .expired:
                    // Do something else when session expired
                    // We strongly recommend to create new session here by calling
                    // TabbySDK.shared.configure(forPayment: myTestPayment) { result in ... }
                    self.isTabbyOpened = false
        .onAppear() {
            TabbySDK.shared.configure(forPayment: myTestPayment) { result in
                switch result {
                case .success(let s):
                    // 1. Do something with sessionId (this step is optional)
                    print("sessionId: \(s.sessionId)")
                    // 2. Do something with paymentId (this step is optional)
                    print("paymentId: \(s.paymentId)")
                    // 3. Grab avaibable products from session and enable proper
                    // payment method buttons in your UI (this step is required)
                    // Feel free to ignore products you don't need or don't want to handle in your App
                    print("tabby available products: \(s.tabbyProductTypes)")
                    // If you want to handle installments product - check for .installments in response
                    if (s.tabbyProductTypes.contains(.installments)) {
                        self.isTabbyInstallmentsAvailable = true
                case .failure(let error):
                    // Do something when Tabby checkout session POST requiest failed


Snippets usage

Before you go add to your Info.plist.


This is required to enable Arabic locale in your snippets.


import UIKit
import SwiftUI
import Tabby

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
            let vc = UIHostingController(
                rootView: Tabby.TabbyProductPageSnippet(amount: 1990, currency: .SAR)
            vc.view.frame = view.frame
            vc.didMove(toParent: self)
        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions


Snippet EN Snippet AR


import UIKit
import SwiftUI
import Tabby

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
            let vc = UIHostingController(
                rootView: Tabby.TabbyCheckoutSnippet(amount: 2000, currency: .AED)
            vc.view.frame = view.frame
            vc.didMove(toParent: self)
        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions


Snippet EN Snippet AR