This is an online bookshop project with laravel 5.8, bootstrap 4, javaScript and jquery. In this project I use stripe payment system, and Laravel Shoppingcart for maintaining the user orders and payments. This project has many other cool functionality, like as Data table and so on.
- Users can search the books by book title and author name.
- Filter the books by category and author
- User can buy the books
- User can make reviews for the books after login
- User can see their orders and reviews from the user panel.
- Registration
- Basically admin manages the all activities of the application
- Admin can add & delete user, author, category, and books.
- Admin can accept or reject the user orders.
- Admin has control over the book reviews and so on.
- Multiple secured login and registration, Use middleware route group for admin and users
- Use database seeder
- Secured payment system with stripe.
- Resize the uploaded images.
This project developed with
- Laravel
- Bootstrap-4
- SB-Admin-2
- JavaScript, jQuery
- MySql
- Stripe payment
- Laravel ShoppingCart
After cloning the project, you have follow as the way how other laravel projects run. For running the project you have to follow these instructions below
1. Rename .env-example to .env and set database name as your phpMyAdmin
2. Run these below commands in project terminal
$ composer update
$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan db:seed
$ php artisan serve.
(From this link you can run the project)
Now this project is ready to run. For admin, Email [email protected]
password secret
. For user, Email [email protected]
password secret
If you would find any errors or issues you can mention in issues or raise a pull request. Fell free to contributing in this project.
Full-stack web developer & CS Engineer