- Pip (22.0.4)
- Python 3.9
pip install pipenv
pipenv shell
pipenv install
pipenv run unit-test
you should see an output like this: 1 failed, 1 passed, 1 skipped
One of the test will not run as it is marked skip, follow instructions over test to remove the @pytest.mark.skip try to fix it and run it again to pass the test case
One of the test should be failing , Correc the Assertion logic to pass the test case.
Run the pipenv run unit-test again after the fixes and now run the unit tests again.
Now All the 3 test cases should be passing
pipenv run spark-submit --master local sum.py
Check sum=20 in the output
To run tests in pycharm , open the project in pycharm and install the pytest module using settings and run the test directly using the green arrow next to test cases
Go through the following link seriously to know how to debug in pycharm
Go through the following link seriously to know how to run tests in pycharm
Expect similar test cases in the actual coding round You should be able to run these steps on your machine and Inform the Hiring team once you are able to run these steps successfully