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Merge pull request #4 from neurolabusc/main
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Add tt support, accelerate TRK and TCK reading
  • Loading branch information
neurolabusc authored Apr 29, 2024
2 parents 29d00a4 + f9cead6 commit 112d562
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Showing 5 changed files with 205 additions and 28 deletions.
Binary file modified M2.png
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -68,9 +68,11 @@ There are several important considerations regarding supporting the TRX format w

The included JavaScript `bench` provides a method to evaluate performance. This benchmark is likely specific to JavaScript and so caution should be excercised in evaluating relative performance. The script will report the time to load a TRK, TCK, VTK or TRX file 10 times (it loads the tracts 11 times, and ignores the first run).

The graph below shows the time load the [left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF) ]( from the HCP1065 Population-Averaged Tractography Atlas (Yeh, 2022). This has with 21209 streamlines and 4915166 vertices. The different formats are generated with the []( script.The benchmark was run on a MacBook laptop with a M2 Pro CPU. The ideal format would be both fast to load (to the left on the horizontal axis) and have a small file size (toward the bottom in the right axis). However, compression typically trades load time for file size. Here all data is loaded from a local solid state drive, whereas smaller files would benefit if data was loaded using a slow internet connection. The following file formats are illustrated (except where noted, both positions and indices are stored with 32-bit precision):
The graph below shows the time load the [left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF) ]( from the HCP1065 Population-Averaged Tractography Atlas (Yeh, 2022). This has with 21209 streamlines and 4915166 vertices. The different formats are generated with the []( script. The benchmark was run on a MacBook laptop with a M2 Pro CPU. The ideal format would be both fast to load (to the left on the horizontal axis) and have a small file size (toward the bottom in the right axis). However, compression typically trades load time for file size. Here all data is loaded from a local solid state drive, whereas smaller files would benefit if data was loaded using a slow internet connection. The following file formats are illustrated (except where noted, both positions and indices are stored with 32-bit precision):

- vtk: streamlines saved by an [undocumented]( extension to the [VTK legacy file format](
- tt: The [DSI Studio format]( is very compact. The vertex position is stored as 1/32nd of a voxel, so it may be slightly lossy for some data.
- tt.gz: Gzip compressed DSI-Studio.
- vtk: streamlines saved by an [undocumented]( extension to the [VTK legacy file format]( (converted with `--offsets_dtype uint32`).
- tck: [MRtrix format](
- trk: The popular [TrackVis format](
- trk.gz: Gzip compressed TrackVis.
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion bench.mjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,15 +22,21 @@ async function main() {
let re = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/;
let ext = re.exec(fnm)[1];
ext = ext.toUpperCase();
if (ext === 'GZ') {
ext = re.exec(fnm.slice(0, -3))[1]; // img.trk.gz -> img.trk
ext = ext.toUpperCase();
let obj = [];
let d =;
let nrepeats = 11; //11 iterations, ignore first
for (let i = 0; i < nrepeats; i++) {
if (i == 1) d =; //ignore first run for interpretting/disk
if (ext === "FIB" || ext === "VTK" || ext === "TCK" || ext === "TRK" || ext === "GZ" || ext === "ZSTD" || ext === "ZST") {
if (ext === "FIB" || ext === "TT" ||ext === "VTK" || ext === "TCK" || ext === "TRK" || ext === "ZSTD" || ext === "ZST") {
const buf = fs.readFileSync(fnm);
if (ext === "TCK")
obj = streamline.readTCK(new Uint8Array(buf).buffer);
else if (ext === "TT")
obj = streamline.readTT(new Uint8Array(buf).buffer);
else if (ext === "FIB" || ext === "VTK")
obj = streamline.readVTK(new Uint8Array(buf).buffer);
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@

# Create a dataframe
data = {
'format': ['vtk', 'tck', 'trk', 'trk.gz', 'trk.zst', 'trx', 'z.trx', '16.trx', '16z.trx'],
'time': [459, 866, 924, 3881, 4012, 159, 2763, 373, 2708],
'bytes': [113218694, 59236654, 59067828, 28746432, 28291562, 59152204, 28502799, 29661208, 24245538]
'format': ['tt', 'tt.gz', 'vtk', 'tck', 'trk', 'trk.gz', 'trk.zst', 'trx', 'z.trx', '16.trx', '16z.trx'],
'time': [2068, 3894, 416, 395, 573, 3483, 3827, 159, 2763, 373, 2708],
'bytes': [15022315, 7249360, 93473172, 59236654, 59067828, 28746432, 28291562, 59152204, 28502799, 29661208, 24245538]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
Expand Down
213 changes: 191 additions & 22 deletions streamlineIO.mjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
//Install dependencies
// npm install gl-matrix fflate fzstd

export { readTRK, readTCK, readVTK, readTRX };
export { readTRK, readTCK, readVTK, readTRX, readTT };
import { mat3, mat4, vec3, vec4 } from "gl-matrix"; //for trk
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as fflate from "fflate";
Expand All @@ -12,6 +12,163 @@ function alert(str) { //for node.js which does not have a GUI alert

//Read a Matlab V4 file, n.b. does not support modern versions
function readMatV4(buffer) {
let len = buffer.byteLength
if (len < 40)
throw new Error("File too small to be MAT v4: bytes = " + buffer.byteLength)
let reader = new DataView(buffer)
let magic = reader.getUint16(0, true)
let _buffer = buffer
if (magic === 35615 || magic === 8075) {
// gzip signature 0x1F8B in little and big endian
const raw = fflate.decompressSync(new Uint8Array(buffer))
reader = new DataView(raw.buffer)
magic = reader.getUint16(0, true)
_buffer = raw.buffer
len = _buffer.byteLength
const textDecoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8')
let bytes = new Uint8Array(_buffer)
let pos = 0
let mat = []
function getTensDigit(v) {
return (Math.floor(v/10) % 10)
function readArray(tagDataType, tagBytesStart, tagBytesEnd) {
const byteArray = new Uint8Array(bytes.subarray(tagBytesStart, tagBytesEnd))
if (tagDataType === 1)
return new Float32Array(byteArray.buffer)
if (tagDataType === 2)
return new Int32Array(byteArray.buffer)
if (tagDataType === 3)
return new Int16Array(byteArray.buffer)
if (tagDataType === 4)
return new Uint16Array(byteArray.buffer)
if (tagDataType === 5)
return new Uint8Array(byteArray.buffer)
return new Float64Array(byteArray.buffer)
function readTag() {
let mtype = reader.getUint32(pos, true)
let mrows = reader.getUint32(pos+4, true)
let ncols = reader.getUint32(pos+8, true)
let imagf = reader.getUint32(pos+12, true)
let namlen = reader.getUint32(pos+16, true)
pos+= 20; //skip header
if (imagf !== 0)
throw new Error("Matlab V4 reader does not support imaginary numbers")
let tagArrayItems = mrows * ncols
if (tagArrayItems < 1)
throw new Error("mrows * ncols must be greater than one")
const byteArray = new Uint8Array(bytes.subarray(pos, pos+namlen))
let tagName = textDecoder.decode(byteArray).trim().replaceAll('\x00','')
let tagDataType = getTensDigit(mtype)
//0 double-precision (64-bit) floating-point numbers
//1 single-precision (32-bit) floating-point numbers
//2 32-bit signed integers
//3 16-bit signed integers
//4 16-bit unsigned integers
//5 8-bit unsigned integers
let tagBytesPerItem = 8
if ((tagDataType >= 1) && (tagDataType <= 2))
tagBytesPerItem = 4
else if ((tagDataType >= 3) && (tagDataType <= 4))
tagBytesPerItem = 2
else if (tagDataType === 5)
tagBytesPerItem = 1
else if (tagDataType !== 0)
throw new Error("impossible Matlab v4 datatype")
pos+= namlen; //skip name
if (mtype > 50)
throw new Error("Does not appear to be little-endian V4 Matlab file")
let posEnd = pos + (tagArrayItems * tagBytesPerItem)
mat[tagName] = readArray(tagDataType, pos, posEnd)
pos = posEnd
while ((pos + 20) < len)
return mat
} // readMatV4()

function readTT(buffer) {
let offsetPt0 = []
let pts = []
const mat = readMatV4(buffer);
if (!('trans_to_mni' in mat))
throw new Error("TT format file must have 'trans_to_mni'")
if (!('voxel_size' in mat))
throw new Error("TT format file must have 'voxel_size'")
if (!('track' in mat))
throw new Error("TT format file must have 'track'")
let trans_to_mni = mat4.create()
let m = mat.trans_to_mni
trans_to_mni = mat4.fromValues(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3], m[4],m[5],m[6],m[7], m[8],m[9],m[10],m[11], m[12],m[13],m[14],m[15])
mat4.transpose(trans_to_mni, trans_to_mni)
let zoomMat = mat4.create()
zoomMat = mat4.fromValues(1 / mat.voxel_size[0],0,0,-0.5,
0, 1 / mat.voxel_size[1], 0, -0.5,
0, 0, 1 / mat.voxel_size[2], -0.5,
0, 0, 0, 1)
mat4.transpose(zoomMat, zoomMat)
function parse_tt(track) {
let dv = new DataView(track.buffer)
let pos = []
let nvert3 = 0
let i = 0
while(i < track.length) {
let newpts = dv.getUint32(i, true)
i = i + newpts+13
nvert3 += newpts
offsetPt0 = new Uint32Array(pos.length+1)
pts = new Float32Array(nvert3)
let npt = 0
for (let i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) {
offsetPt0[i] = npt / 3
let p = pos[i]
let sz = dv.getUint32(p, true)/3
let x = dv.getInt32(p+4, true)
let y = dv.getInt32(p+8, true)
let z = dv.getInt32(p+12, true)
p += 16
pts[npt++] = x
pts[npt++] = y
pts[npt++] = z
for (let j = 2; j <= sz; j++) {
x = x + dv.getInt8(p++)
y = y + dv.getInt8(p++)
z = z + dv.getInt8(p++)
pts[npt++] = x
pts[npt++] = y
pts[npt++] = z
} //for each streamline
for (let i = 0; i < npt; i++)
pts[i] = pts[i]/32.0
let vox2mmMat = mat4.create()
mat4.mul(vox2mmMat, zoomMat, trans_to_mni)
let v = 0
for (let i = 0; i < npt / 3; i++) {
const pos = vec4.fromValues(pts[v], pts[v+1], pts[v+2], 1)
vec4.transformMat4(pos, pos, vox2mmMat)
pts[v++] = pos[0]
pts[v++] = pos[1]
pts[v++] = pos[2]
offsetPt0[pos.length] = npt / 3; //solve fence post problem, offset for final streamline
} // parse_tt()
return {
} // readTT()

function readTRK(buffer) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,7 +246,7 @@ function readTRK(buffer) {
let vox2mmMat = mat4.create();
mat4.mul(vox2mmMat, mat, zoomMat);
mat4.mul(vox2mmMat, zoomMat, mat);
let i32 = null;
let f32 = null;
i32 = new Int32Array(buffer.slice(hdr_sz));
Expand All @@ -99,35 +256,36 @@ function readTRK(buffer) {
//read and transform vertex positions
let i = 0;
let npt = 0;
let offsetPt0 = [];
let pts = [];
//over-provision offset array to store number of segments
let offsetPt0 = new Uint32Array(i32.length);
let noffset = 0;;
//over-provision points array to store vertex positions
let npt3 = 0;
let pts = new Float32Array(i32.length);
while (i < ntracks) {
let n_pts = i32[i];
i = i + 1; // read 1 32-bit integer for number of points in this streamline
offsetPt0.push(npt); //index of first vertex in this streamline
offsetPt0[noffset++] = npt; //index of first vertex in this streamline
for (let j = 0; j < n_pts; j++) {
let ptx = f32[i + 0];
let pty = f32[i + 1];
let ptz = f32[i + 2];
i += 3; //read 3 32-bit floats for XYZ position
pts[npt3++] =
ptx * vox2mmMat[0] +
pty * vox2mmMat[1] +
ptz * vox2mmMat[2] +
pts[npt3++] =
ptx * vox2mmMat[4] +
pty * vox2mmMat[5] +
ptz * vox2mmMat[6] +
pts[npt3++] =
ptx * vox2mmMat[8] +
pty * vox2mmMat[9] +
ptz * vox2mmMat[10] +
if (n_scalars > 0) {
for (let s = 0; s < n_scalars; s++) {
Expand All @@ -143,7 +301,11 @@ function readTRK(buffer) {
} //for each streamline: while i < n_count
offsetPt0.push(npt); //add 'first index' as if one more line was added (fence post problem)
//add 'first index' as if one more line was added (fence post problem)
offsetPt0[noffset++] = npt;
//resize offset/vertex arrays that were initially over-provisioned
pts = pts.slice(0, npt3);
offsetPt0 = offsetPt0.slice(0, noffset);
return {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,9 +338,13 @@ function readTCK(buffer) {
let reader = new DataView(buffer);
//read and transform vertex positions
let npt = 0;
let offsetPt0 = [];
offsetPt0.push(npt); //1st streamline starts at 0
let pts = [];
//over-provision offset array to store number of segments
let offsetPt0 = new Uint32Array(len / 4);
let noffset = 0;
//over-provision points array to store vertex positions
let npt3 = 0;
let pts = new Float32Array(len / 4);
offsetPt0[0] = 0; //1st streamline starts at 0
while (pos + 12 < len) {
let ptx = reader.getFloat32(pos, true);
pos += 4;
Expand All @@ -188,17 +354,20 @@ function readTCK(buffer) {
pos += 4;
if (!isFinite(ptx)) {
//both NaN and Inifinity are not finite
offsetPt0[noffset++] = npt;
if (!isNaN(ptx))
//terminate if infinity
} else {
pts[npt3++] = ptx;
pts[npt3++] = pty;
pts[npt3++] = ptz;
//resize offset/vertex arrays that were initially over-provisioned
pts = pts.slice(0, npt3);
offsetPt0 = offsetPt0.slice(0, noffset);
return {
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