- Flutter (v 2.5.3)
- Dart Sdk (>=2.12.0 <3.0.0)
- flutter_bloc ^8.0.0
for State Management
- flutter_svg: ^0.23.0+1
for Showing icon club & flag with format svg
- http: ^0.13.4
for making HTTP requests
- intl: ^0.17.0
for formatting date
- shimmer: ^2.0.0
for shimmer loading animation
- stream_transform: ^2.0.0
for Blocks events for a duration after an event is successfully emitted using throttle.
- mocktail: ^0.2.0
for testing
- bloc_test: ^9.0.1
for testing
Select a project
cd <project-name>
Install dependencies
flutter pub get
Run the app
flutter run
- For Android :
Select a project
cd <project-name>
Install dependencies
flutter pub get
Run the app
flutter build apk --release
The app I created has 3 pages:
- competition list
- league table
- available matches.
On each page, there are 3 conditions when the application is successfully loaded, error or does not have data from api. I also changed the transition between pages and added a loading indicator.