Hi! I'm Çetin Yılmaz, i like using CI/CD pipelines and CVS so some steps may be unnecessary for you, this documentation shows how i made this app.
- Firstly I pushed your project into my github repository, here is the link https://github.com/tenkyu/jimdo
- Created a Heroku application for Continuous integration, delivery, and deployment: https://jimdo.herokuapp.com
- You can watch the video for detailed and visual explanations: https://youtu.be/9NQsV87m7TM
I use Bootstrap 4 for responsive design, normally form labels and inputs are aligned horizontally but when you change the size of the browser, labels comes above the inputs. You can see the result in Heroku App.
This is for maximizing form area in smaller devices.
<div className="col-sm-8 col-xs-12 mx-auto form-back rounded">
This is for achieving this task.
<Label for="name" className="col-sm-3 col-form-label">Name <span className="text-danger">*</span></Label>
I used BlockUI for blocking components, this very elegant solution for this purpose, Here is how.
<BlockUi tag="div" blocking={this.state.blocking}></BlockUi>
toggleBlocking() {
this.setState({ blocking: !this.state.blocking });
//when process is successful, show the result in an alert
if (!this.state.blocking) {
this.setState({ show: true });
In App.test.jsx i wrote a test method, first filled the from with user data and submit the form, after a bit delay, i assert the results and inputs.
it('form submitting', (done) => {
//simulating the user inputs with these values
const fakeData = {name: 'Çetin Yılmaz', email: '[email protected]', message:'This is a test message'};
//initialize the component
let component = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<App defaultValues={fakeData} />
//submit form
var form = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(component, 'form');
//check handled values are posted to backend
setTimeout(function() {
try {
console.log(component.state);// see all states after form posted
} catch (e) {
}, 100);
This is the Jimdo Form trial project. It was setup with create-react-app-typescript
The project already includes a setup for react with redux and thunk.
Please build a responsive form. The form should include a Name, EMail and Message field. The labels should be next to the inputs on a big screen and above on a small screen (<= 600px).
When the user submits the form, sending of the data should be simulated with a timeout. While sending a loading indicator should be shown and all inputs must not be accessible.
Please add a test that checks if the form submits its data when the submit button gets clicked.
You are totally free in deciding how you build this. If anything is unclear to you, just make an assumption and proceed with what you think makes sense.
yarn start
yarn test