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Contributing to the Equational Theories Project

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Equational Theories Project! We welcome contributions from all sources: human-generated contributions from either professional mathematicians or interested members of the public, as well as computer-generated contributions from programs in various languages, automated theorem provers, or modern AI tools. (In fact, one of the main goals of this project is to learn how such a diverse pool of contributions can effectively be combined with each other to advance a common objective.)

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to effectively and efficiently contribute to the project.

Project Coordination

The project is managed using a GitHub project dashboard, which tracks tasks through various stages, from assignment to completion.

How to Contribute

Contributions to the project are made through GitHub pull requests (PRs) that correspond to specific tasks outlined in the project's issues. The following instructions detail the process for claiming and completing tasks.

1. Task Identification

  • Tasks are posted as GitHub issues and can be found in the Unclaimed Outstanding Tasks column of the project dashboard.
  • Each issue represents a specific task to be completed. The issue title and description contain relevant details and requirements.
  • Only maintainers can convert an issue into a project task. If you wish to propose a task of your own, create a GitHub issue and start a discussion in a new thread on the Equational Theories channel on Zulip. Depending on the outcome of the discussion, the task may be converted into a project task by one of the maintainers.

2. Claiming a Task

  • To claim a task, comment the single word claim on the relevant GitHub issue.
  • If no other user is assigned, you will automatically be assigned to the task, and the issue will move to the Claimed Tasks column.
  • You may only claim one task at a time. If you decide not to work on a task after claiming it, comment the single word disclaim on the issue. This will unassign you and return the issue to the Unclaimed Outstanding Tasks column, making it available for others to claim.

3. Working on the Task

Once you are assigned to an issue, begin working on the corresponding task. You should create a new branch from the main branch to develop your solution.


Before pushing any changes, you have the following options:

  • You might want to install the git pre-push hook by running:


    This will automatically run checks before every push, reducing the risk of CI check failures.

  • You can manually run the following script before pushing, reducing the risk of CI check failures:


    This requires manual execution and won't stop the push if skipped.

  • You may push your changes without any safeguards, increasing the risk of CI check failures.

4. Submitting a Pull Request

  • When you are ready to submit your solution, create a PR from your working branch to the project’s main branch.
  • After submitting the PR, comment propose #PR_NUMBER on the original issue. This links your PR to the task, and the task will move to the In Progress column on the dashboard.
  • A task can only move to In Progress if it has been claimed by the user proposing the PR.

5. Withdrawing or Updating a PR

  • If you need to withdraw your PR, comment withdraw #PR_NUMBER on the issue. The task will return to the Claimed Tasks column, but you will remain assigned to the issue.
  • To submit an updated PR after withdrawal, comment propose #NEW_PR_NUMBER following the same process outlined in step 4.

6. Review Process

  • After finishing the task and ensuring your PR is ready for review, comment awaiting-review on the PR. This will add the awaiting-review label to your PR and move the task from In Progress to the PRs in Review column of the dashboard.
  • The project maintainers will review the PR. They may request changes, approve the PR, or provide feedback.

7. Task Completion

  • Once the PR is approved and merged, the task will automatically move to the Completed column.
  • If further adjustments are needed after merging, a new issue will be created to track additional work.

Additional Guidelines and Notes

  1. Please adhere to the issue claiming process. If an issue is already assigned to another contributor, refrain from working on it without prior communication with the current claimant. This ensures a collaborative and respectful workflow that values each contributor’s efforts.
  2. Be aware that this contribution process is still in an experimental phase. As a result, occasional issues and inefficiencies may arise. We are committed to continuously refining the process, and your constructive feedback is highly appreciated. You can share your thoughts and suggestions on the Lean Zulip chat channel.
  3. Until the integration of sufficient CI automation, the management of the project dashboard is handled manually by the maintainers. We ask for your patience and understanding as we work to keep the process running smoothly.


The main discussion will be held in this Lean Zulip channel. Some secondary discussion will also be held at this blog post.

Lean files

The core Lean files are as follows:

  • Magma.lean This contains the API for Magmas.
  • FreeMagma.lean Contains the API for free Magmas.
  • Generated.lean This short file imports all the generated data sets.
  • Visualization.lean A tool to visualize the implications within the Lean infoview.
  • Equations/Basic.lean A list of selected equations of particular interest.
  • Equations/All.lean The complete set of 4692 equational laws involving at most four magma operations (up to symmetry and relabeling). It was generated using this script. The subgraph equations are included as an import. If you find an equation here of particular interest to study, consider transferring it to Equations/Basic.lean. The equations are split up into five smaller files to assist compilation.
  • Subgraph.lean This is the file for all results concerning the specific laws of interest.
  • Homomorphisms.lean This file defines magma homomorphisms and magma isomorphisms and provides basic API for them.
  • Conjectures.lean A file to store human-generated conjectures that have not yet been formalized in Lean.

Some technical Lean files:

  • EquationalResult.lean Introduces the @[equational_result] attribute, which adds metadata to allow for easier aggregation of implications. Also adds conjecture keyword, which is a variant of proof_wanted which keeps the metadata produced by @[equational_result] (but marking it as a conjecture).
  • Closure.lean Contains code for computing the transitive closure of the implications.
  • ParseImplications.lean Tools to help parse implications within Lean.
  • FactsSyntax.lean Support for assertions that a given magma obeys one set of laws but fails another.
  • DecideBang.lean Variants of the decide tactic with various hacks to speed up elaboration.
  • Equations/Command.lean Speeds up elaboration of equations.
  • MemoFinOp.lean Defines the macro memoFinOp that memoizes a function f : Fin n → Fin n → Fin n.
  • Superposition.lean The superpose tactic, used in several automated proofs.

In addition to these files, contributors are welcome to add additional Lean files to the project in the equational_theories folder or one of its subfolders, to establish more facts about equations. In order for your contributions to be easily detected by automated tools, please try to follow the following guidelines.

  • If possible, use Equations/Basic.lean or Equations/All.lean as an import, in order to use our standardized names for the equational laws. If you transfer an equation from Equations/All.lean to Equations/Basic.lean, please add the corresponding definition in the "selected laws" chapter of the blueprint to keep this chapter aligned with the Lean codebase. (The Lean codebase is used as the source of ground truth of equation status, but keeping the blueprint aligned will reduce confusion.)
  • The standard form for an implication "Equation X implies Equation Y" is theorem EquationX_implies_EquationY (G: Type*) [Magma G] (h: EquationX G) : EquationY G
  • The standard form for an anti-implication "Equation X does not imply Equation Y" is theorem EquationX_not_implies_EquationY : ∃ (G: Type) (_: Magma G), EquationX G ∧ ¬ EquationY G.
  • To assert that a magma G obeys one set X1, X2, ... of laws but fails another set Y1, Y2, ..., use theorem Theorem_Name : ∃ (G : Type) (_ : Magma G), Facts G [X1, X2, ...] [Y1, Y2, ...].
  • Add the @[equational_result] attribute to theorems of the above forms to make them visible to our analysis tools.
  • NOTE: We are potentially in the process of updating our base representation of equations, so that the above guidance may change in the future. See this Zulip thread for some relevant discussion.
  • You are also encouraged to add conjecture versions of these theorems, for results that were obtained by hand or by some other automated tool whose output is not in the form of a Lean proof. If you are creating such conjecture statements, consider adding a sketch of the proof as a comment in the Lean file. We can then add tasks (via Github issues) to convert such conjecture statements into theorems. Note that you should add @[equational_result] to conjectures as well. (Technical note: to avoid linter warnings, one can replace h: EquationX G with _: EquationX G in a conjecture implication.)
  • To establish an equivalence between two Equations X and Y, split it into two implications "Equation X implies Equation Y" and "Equation Y implies Equation X" as above.
  • To avoid collisions, implications and anti-implications should be placed inside a namespace specific to your Lean file.
  • Consider adding a chapter to the blueprint corresponding to the Lean file, which can for instance detail the methodology used to generate the content of that file. Also update this file to add a link to your Lean file.
  • For computer-generated Lean files, see the "Automated Proofs" section below.
  • Lean files that are outside of the Generated folder are considered to be part of the human-curated Lean space; it is acceptable to put some auto-generated proofs outside of this folder, but they should be human-readable, and it is acceptable to have human editors optimize these proofs for readability, aesthetics, or other concerns. On the other hand, Lean files within the Generated folder should be 100% computer generated, with no additional human curation.
  • Lean files that mostly treat a single equation manually can be placed in the ManuallyProved folder.
  • Add your Lean file to the top level equational_theories.lean file so that it gets picked by the CI and automated implication extraction tools.

Contributions to the Lean codebase will pass through continuous integration (CI) checks that ensure that the Lean code compiles. Contributors of Lean code are highly encouraged to interact with the Lean Zulip channel to help coordinate their contributions and resolve technical issues.

Here is a list of human-contributed Lean files with mathematical content:

At present, the API for magmas only allows for theorems that study a finite number of individual equational laws at a time. We plan to expand the API to also allow one to establish metatheorems about entire classes of equations.


The blueprint for the project is a human-readable record of the results established (in Lean or otherwise). Not every result generated by the project needs to be explicitly included in the blueprint, but ideally the most interesting results should be present, as well as descriptions of the methodology used to automatically generate large numbers of implications.

The blueprint is written in a special form of LaTeX that supports some integration with Lean. In particular, definitions, theorems, and proofs of theorems can be tagged with additional macros:

  • A macro \lean{leanThm} in the statement of a definition or theorem in the blueprint, will allow the blueprint to connect that definition or theorem to the corresponding Lean definition or theorem. It is possible to link a blueprint theorem to multiple Lean theorems, e.g., \lean{leanThm1, leanThm2}. Note that in some cases you will need to specify a namespace for the Lean theorem.
  • The macro \uses{ref1, ref2} in the statement of a definition or theorem, or a proof of that theorem, will indicate that the relevant statement or proof uses the results in the blueprint that have the indicated \label{}s (in this case, \label{ref1} and \label{ref2}). These will create edges in the dependency graph of the blueprint.
  • The macro \leanok in the statement of a definition or theorem indicates that the statement has been formalized. The macro \leanok in the proof of a theorem indicates that the proof has been formalized. This will create various colors in the nodes of the dependency graph of the blueprint, as explained in the legend.

Contributors are welcome to make suggestions or additions to the blueprint, whose files can be found here. When adding a chapter, make sure to give the chapter a \label (to give that chapter a stable URLs, and not destabilize other chapter URLs), and add your chapter as an import to content.tex.

Contributions to the blueprint will pass through continuous integration (CI) checks that ensure that the blueprint compiles. You may first wish to test that the print version of the blueprint compiles locally before pushing changes to the blueprint. Also, if using the \lean{} macro to link to results in the Lean files, make sure that any namespace that the Lean result is stored in is stated. If your Lean file was recently added, you may wish to check that it is recognized by equational_theories.lean, otherwise the blueprint will not be able to locate the results in that file.


Contributions in programming languages other than Lean are very welcome; the code for such contributions can be placed in this directory. It would probably be a good idea to announce such scripts on the Zulip channel for feedback and review.

Should you want to use Python scripts developed by other contributors, install the necessary Python dependencies using the requirements.txt file. You can automatically set up and use these packages in a virtual environment by utilizing the scripts inside of the python environment directory. If you would like to write your own script that uses a new package, add the additional dependency to

When PR'ing a new script, consider also adding a brief link and description to the script in the file under "Scripts", according to the main language of the script.


Output from code that is not Lean proofs (or conjecture claims in Lean) can be placed in the data directory. One can then update the to list this new data set. Note: if the data set is not fully validated (e.g., due to potential bugs in the code used to generate the data), please disclose this when reporting it to In the blueprint, one can add a chapter describing the data set, the code used to generate it, and any further comments (such as comparisons with other data sets).

Automated Proofs

Proofs generated programmatically are also welcome. If you do this, you are encouraged to use the following format:

  • Add a new directory for your new proof technique (e.g., "equational_theories/Generated/MyTechnique"), the automatically generated theorems ("equational_theories/Generated/MyTechnique/theorems"), and the corresponding source code ("equational_theories/Generated/MyTechnique/src") that generates these theorems.
  • Then add a single Lean file (e.g., "equational_theories/Generated/MyTechnique.lean") that references all your theorems.
  • Add a README (e.g., "equational_theories/Generated/MyTechnique/") to document how to reproduce your automatically generated theorems (to the extent possible, for randomized algorithms).
  • In .gitattributes add equational_theories/Generated/MyTechnique.lean linguist-generated for all automatically generated files.
  • In the file equational_theories/Generated.lean add the import line import equational_theories.Generated.MyTechnique replacing "MyTechnique" with the name of your folder.
  • Consider adding to the blueprint to explain the automated proof technique used.
  • Proofs of implications and non-implications should be reduced to the minimum required set. See here for more.


Any images generated by the project can be placed in this directory.

Hasse diagrams

A particular type of image that is suitable for inclusion of this project are Hasse diagrams of the implication graph. Here are our orientation conventions for such diagrams (as voted on here):

  • The pre-ordering on laws is given by implication. That is to say, LawX ≤ LawY means that LawX implies LawY, i.e., every magma that obeys LawX, also obeys LawY.
  • The law x=x is a maximal element in this pre-ordering, and x=y is the minimal element. Hence, in a Hasse diagram, x=x should be at the top, and x=y should be at the bottom.
  • Note the confusing change in orientation of arrows: LawX ≤ LawY is equivalent to LawX ⇒ LawY. As such, arrows should be upward, and the use of double lines to indicate implication (i.e., instead of ) is strongly encouraged. If implication arrows are not available, leaving the edges unoriented is acceptable.

Some of the legacy Hasse diagrams from the first few days of the project were oriented in a different way than that in the guidelines above. References to such diagrams should be annotated to reflect this change of orientation.

Other ways to contribute

  • Have an idea for some future directions that this project can go in? Please contribute your thoughts to the Future directions thread on Zulip.
  • Want to share some feedback, impressions, or suggestions about the project? You are encouraged to share them at the Thoughts and impressions thread on the Zulip.
  • Have a correction or remark on a specific component of the project? Drop a comment in the Zulip channel, or on the relevant PR or Issue on Github. Or implement the correction or remark directly as a pull request!