ReportPortalAgent is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ReportPortalAgent'
and install it:
cd <project>
pod install
Use info.plist file of your test target to specify properties of Report Portal:
- ReportPortalURL - URL to API of report portal (exaple
- ReportPortalToken - token for authentication which you can get from RP account settings.
- ReportPortalLaunchName - name of launch.
- Principal class - use ReportPortalAgent.RPListener from ReportPortalAgent lib. Also you can specify your own Observer which should conform to XCTestObservation protocol.
- PushTestDataToReportPortal - can be used to switch off/on reporting
- ReportPortalProjectName - project name from Report Portal
- ReportPortalTags(optional) - can be used to specify tags, separated by comma.
- IsFinalTestBundle - use to mark last test target as YES, and all others as NO to allow single launch for them
DarthRumata, [email protected] (Windmill Smart Solutions)
SergeVKom, [email protected] (original library)
ReportPortalAgent is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.