How to migrate to GAE Standard Environment from PHP 5.5 to PHP 7.2
The GAE PHP 7.2 Standard Environment forces two major changes:
- No more built-in Google Signin via the login: line in app.yaml
- No more script: redirects - all access starts from a single page, nominally index.php
The purpose of this repository is to make it as easy as possible to make the transition.
- Create a client id for your current GAE web app at - select APIs & Auth- then Credentials - to create a new client id. You will need set parameters in the Consent Screen for the authorized domain and the authorized javascript URI (both to your app domain). The client id is a huge long string.
- Copy the files into your app root area.
- Edit login.php to replace the line with "YOUR CLIENT ID" with your clientid.
- index.php assumes your app files and folders are inside an /app folder - adjust this file to taste if not
- Anywhere you have "include" or "require" must be an absolute rather than relative path, so use statements like require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]./includes/"]);
NOTE: Many public packages like adminer already depend on a single index file to run, in which case the initial lines of this index file get added to the top of that file.