The Transaction class is a utility that allows you to create transactions for managing changes to an object's properties. It provides methods to start, commit, and rollback transactions, as well as events to track changes.
- Create and manage transactions for an object's properties.
- Emit events for actions such as getting, setting, deleting, committing, rolling back, and timeout.
- Handle transaction timeout, automatically committing or rolling back changes after a specified duration.
- Revocable proxy object to track property changes.
To install and use dataset-transaction
, follow these steps:
npm install dataset-transaction
Here's a quick example demonstrating how to use the Transaction
const { Transaction } = require('dataset-transaction');
// Create initial data
const data = {
name: 'John Doe',
age: 30,
email: '[email protected]',
// Start a transaction
const { transaction, proxy } = Transaction.start(data);
// Listen to events
transaction.on('get', () => {
console.log('Property accessed.');
transaction.on('set', () => {
console.log('Property set.');
transaction.on('delete', () => {
console.log('Property deleted.');
transaction.on('commit', () => {
console.log('Transaction committed.');
transaction.on('rollback', () => {
console.log('Transaction rolled back.');
transaction.on('timeout', () => {
console.log('Transaction timed out.');
// Access and modify the properties using the proxy
const name =; // This will trigger 'get' event
proxy.age = 31; // This will trigger 'set' event
transaction.delete('email'); // This will trigger 'delete' event
// Commit or rollback the transaction
transaction.commit(); // This will trigger 'commit' event
transaction.rollback(); // This will trigger 'rollback' event
// Stop the transaction