A simple sdk with libs and tools for using with 32 bit Cortex-M3 controller.
WARNING: This is work in progress! So it's possible that something is not working or possibly not implemented yet. If you face a bug then pls use create an issue (https://github.com/tjohann/arm_cortex_sdk/issues).
For my smaller projects like clocks (./projects/clock) and can/lin-bus nodes (./projects/can_node) i like to use bare-metal devices. So this repository is the entry point for such projects.
The only yet know requirements are git (to clone/update the repository).
At the moment I use Olimex SAM3-P256/H256 (https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/Atmel/SAM3-P256/ and https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/Atmel/SAM3-H256/) and Olimex LPC-P1343 (https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/NXP/LPC-P1343/).
Both devices need a libchip (processor specific parts -> here the same for both) and a libboard (board specific parts). I provide a small script wich downloads the already compiled librarys from sourceforge. If you want to build it on your own, checkout my repository (https://github.com/tjohann/sam3_p256_libboard and https://github.com/tjohann/lpc_p1343_libboard) which is based on the Atmel/NXP/Olimex zip files.
Follow the steps below to setup your enviroment.
Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/tjohann/arm_cortex_sdk.git
Source the environment file arm_cortex_env
. ./arm_cortex_env
or add it to your .bashrc
# setup the a20_sdk environment
if [ -f ${HOME}/arm_cortex_sdk/arm_cortex_env ]; then
. ${HOME}/arm_cortex_sdk/arm_cortex_env
or copy arm_cortex_env.sh to /etc/profile.d/
sudo cp arm_cortex_env.sh /etc/profile.d/
Init the SDK:
cd arm_cortex_sdk
make init_sdk
Download the compiler to /opt/arm_cortex_sdk/
make get_toolchain
I regulary update the libs, toolchain and more. To stay up to date you can simply do the following steps.
Pull the latest changes:
cd arm_cortex_sdk
git pull
Take a look at the NEWS file to see what i've changed. See also UPGRADE_HINTS.
If there're changes of the toolchain, then fist distclean all:
make distclean
and then proceed with the normal setup process above.
In short:
make get_toolchain
To build everthing do a
This will build the librarys and install them in ${ARM_CORTEX_HOME}/lib. It also build all below ./projects.
I use a standard version scheme via git tags based on 3 numbers:
The first number is the mayor number which reflect bigger changes like
- new functions
- add new devices
- restructe of all
- ...
The second number (minor) will change because of
- new scripts
- api changes
So a simple version update of the olimex kernel will not increase the minor number, instead it will increase the third number (age number):
- bugfixes
- all smaller changes
Some comments to the structure of the directory.
include -> common include (also for Makefile)
lib -> downloaded libs from sourceforge and own librarys from ./src
src -> the sourcecode of my librarys
projects -> the different projects (use ./lib and ./include)
scripts -> some useful scripts like download (called from Makefile)
pics -> some pictures of my devices and environment
schematics -> something like building blocks
Documentation -> docs/howtos and more
All binary/bigger files (toolchain or libraries like libboard) are on sourceforge (https://sourceforge.net/projects/cortexm-sdk/files/). The scripts to setup the environment using that location to download them.
In the root directory you find the toolchain tarballs and the checksum.sh256 from the git-repository. The boards are represented through the named directorys. Below them you find all device specific files.
Naming convention:
toochain_x86_64.tgz -> cross-toolchain for x86_64 hosts
toochain_armhf.tgz -> cross-toolchain for armhf hosts like Bananapi (see https://github.com/tjohann/a20_sdk/pics)
sam3-p256 -> Olimex SAM3-H/P256
lpc-p1343 -> Olimex LPC-P1343
I support only one version described by a tag. The toolchain and images are for that version. Older tags wont be supported anymore.
(until end of august)
- First complete working skelekton (blink an led) for the sam3 board
- Ged rid of Linaro toolchain (which I actually use)
(until end of september)
- First complete working skelekton (blink an led) for the lpc board