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A simple sdk with libs and tools for using with 8 bit controller.

WARNING: This is work in progress! So it's possible that something is not working or possibly not implemented yet. If you face a bug then pls use create an issue (

WARNING: I started a complete rework of the whole sdk! So everthing is changing and therefore thinks are not correct!

Setup AVR dev environment

This is a short introduction for using my avr_sdk. The main idea is to have a library which includes basic functionallities used in the projects.

The activate/deactivate or configure a specific feature will be done via env file.


- Documentation ... some documentation
- include ... the avr specific headers
- lib ... the avr specific libs
- m168p_env/m32_env/nano_v3_env ... the controller specific config
- src ... sources for avr specific libs and tools
- projects ... here are some projects
  **Note**: to build a project, you have to source the corresponding env file
- bin ... some helper scripts
- mk ... Makefile relevant defines
- pcb ... the pcb
- schematics ... the schematics
- pics ... some pics of my devices
- FEATURE_OVERVIEW ... a short decription of the features and the configuration

Build library for specific device

Create an controller specific file like m168p_env ... source it and try to build content of ~/avr_sdk/src$

~/avr_sdk$ . ./m168p_env

Example above: Setup env for target atmega168p with 1000000Hz and 9600baud

Now build the library:

~/avr_sdk$ cd src
~/avr_sdk/src$ ls
libavrhelper  libavrserial  makefile  template ...
~/avr_sdk/src$ make
.... A lot of output ...

Check for errors ... there shouldn't be any ... also be aware of the warnings.

Build a project

The projects are bound to a specific controller (ATMega168P/ATMega32/...). Therefore they source the corresponding env files above.

To build a project source the project file and build it in the folder:

~/avr_sdk/projects$ . ./usb_i2c_gateway_env
Setup env for target atmega328p with 16000000Hz and 9600baud
Setup env for target atmega328p with 16000000Hz and 9600baud

~/avr_sdk/projects/usb_i2c_gateway$ make

|| -->  Start building usb_i2c_gateway.elf
avr-gcc -Wall -Wextra -g -ggdb -std=gnu11 -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000UL -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Os -DUSE_SERIAL=__YES__ -DUSE_I2C=__YES__ -DUSE_ADC=__NO__ -DSERIAL_ERROR=__ON__ -DI2C_ERROR=__ON__ -DADC_ERROR=__ON__ -DCOMMUNICATION_PATH=__SERIAL__ -save-temps -c usb_i2c_gateway.c -I./include -I/home/tjohann/avr_sdk/include

Complete workflow

Note: the projects use the library, so you first have to build the library with the corresponding env file:

Build the library:

cd ~/avr_sdk
~/avr_sdk$ . ./nano_v3_env
... a lot of output ...

Build the project:

cd ~/avr_sdk/projects$
~/avr_sdk/projects$ . ./usb_i2c_gateway_env

cd usb_i2c_gateway
... a lot of output ...


My repo with some avr stuff







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