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A Supplement to 近現代漢語辭源
Antedatings and addenda for Huang He-ch'ing's lexicon
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A Supplement to 近現代漢語辭源
2024-10-21 23:35:45 +0000

A Supplement to 近現代漢語辭源

a project of Open Source by Tonkünstler-on-the-Bund

This database is searchable as a CSV file. The quickest way to get an addition or correction merged is to fork the repo or clone locally, edit the CSV file and send in a pull request. Assignment to word classes follows the scheme of Huang and Shi (2016). Script is not regularised except where it may cause confusion. The intention is to focus on words and forms which are still current in everyday usage, although antedatings of obsolete forms are welcome.



  • Huang, Chu-Ren, and Dingxu Shi (eds), A Reference Grammar of Chinese (Cambridge, 2016).
  • Kretschmer, Paul, Sprachregeln für die Bildung und Betonung zoologischer und botanischer Namen (Berlin, 1899).
  • Kühner, Raphael, and Friedrich Blass, Ausfürliche Grammatik der Griechischen Sprache: I. Elementar- und Formenlehre, ii (Hanover, 1892).


(A copy of each article is archived in the repo.)

  • 崔蕭寒, '「摩擦」の語史:日中両語の相互影響', master's thesis, Osaka University, 2021.
  • 馮玥, '「反応」の語誌', master's thesis, Osaka University, 2022.
  • 缪蓬, '晚清民国“病毒”知识的翻译与引介:知识翻译学视角', 『当代外语研究』, 4 (2022), 22–32.
  • 牛振, '近代日语译词对汉语地理学译词的影响探析', 『汉字汉语研究』, 24 (2023), 109–24.
  • Schmidt, Christian, et al. (eds), 漢語新詞資料庫, accessed 30 Sept. 2024.
  • 沙広聡, '接尾辞「性」の歴史:日中両語間の相互影響', master's thesis, Osaka University, 2020.
  • Tanomura, Tadaharu, 'カレーを表す中国語名称の変遷',『或問』, 38 (2020), 15–25.
  • Tanomura, Tadaharu, '「接種」の語史: 種痘関連用語の生成と消長',『阪大日本語研究』, 34 (2022), 27–45.
  • Todani, Masayoshi, '中国語における日本語の借用と意味変化:“赤字”を例として',『日中語彙研究』, 10 (2020), 149–70.
  • Todani, Masayoshi, '中国語における日本語「手続」の借用過程',『日中語彙研究』, 11 (2021), 143–163.
  • Tola, Gabriele, John Fryer and The Translator’s Vade-mecum (Leiden, 2021), 237–79.
  • 袁書予, '「分析」の成立と変化', master's thesis, Osaka University, 2022.

  • Sense
    • Numerals refer to senses in the 1st edition.
    • A solidus ('/') signifies that only one sense is given in the 1st edition or that a new lemma has only one common meaning.
    • Glosses serve to disambiguate and are set in roman type.
    • Domain classification is set in italic type.
  • Year is that of first attestation.
  • A blank for Quotation means the scholar who antedated the word didn't supply the evidence in their writings. For traditional critical symbols, see West (1973).
  • Source
    • A plus sign ('+') following a source means the word is also attested in one or more other sources dating from the same year.
    • A question mark ('?') means the scholar who antedated the word didn't supply the source in their writings.
    • A question mark ('?') following a source means the scholar who antedated the word didn't clearly specify the source in their writings and that the one given here was inferred from their bibliography.

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Lemma Sense Word Class Year Quotation Source Note
暗生植物 / noun 1887 Cryptogam{e}æ 暗生植物 Fryer『西藥大成藥品中西名目表』18 dog-Latin: Kretschmer §31
病毒 / noun 1908 疮疹之毒水、传染病毒、病毒、脓浆毒(痘毒、痘浆) 『英華大辭典』s.v. Virus postdating
草原 / noun 1908 歐洲東南與亞洲西北之草原 『英華大辭典』s.v. Steppe+
秤桿 / noun 1889 Weigh levers 秤桿 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』56
赤字 / noun 1931 日本歳入預定過大 赤字問題引起各方非難 『大公報』天津版1931年4月4日4版
打胎 / deverbal noun 1887 Ergotætia a{r}bortifaciens 打胎耳臥達以希阿 Fryer『西藥大成藥品中西名目表』22 ⓵ The misprint was Fryer's.
⓶ An earlier example for the verb is a desideratum.
地球仪 / noun 1886 試再取一訓誨生徒之地球儀 Edkins『地理質學啟蒙』三十二節
地下水 / noun 1903 地下水 雨水之一部。 『中學地文教科書』74
電鍍 / noun 1885 Electro-planting 電鍍銀 Fryer『化學材料中西名目表』13
墊圈 / noun 1889 Washer 墊圈 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』56
發動 / verb 1889 Driving coupling 發動 接盤 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』17
反応 2 noun 1902 吾入之意識、不外対於內部之剌戟之反応。 『新民叢報』「訳述三·人格論」
反応 4 noun 1913 反応 感情や行動の問題における態度 Mateer, New Terms for New Ideas
廢水 / noun 1889 Waste tank 廢水箱 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』56+
分析 Chemistry verb 1883 化分者、将各雑質分析而得原質。化合者、将各原質合併而成雑質。 Fryer『化学考質』巻一+
分析 analysis noun 1908 還原, 返素, 分析, 剖解, 推解 『英華大辞典』s.v. Analysis as free morpheme
分析 analyse verb 1908 to explain, 剖明, 解明, 分析 『英華大辭典』s.v. Enucleate
咖喱 / noun 1874 整啲咖喱魚 Dennys『初学階』
功率 / noun 1889 Duty of engine 汽機功率 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』17
果汁 / nominal bound root 1887 Colocynth pulp 𠹭囉噺果汁 Fryer『西藥大成藥品中西名目表』17+
海拔 / noun 1901 此次爆發噴煙高出海拔一萬二千米 『清議報』八十六冊「支那現勢論」
海洋性气候 / noun 1931 A、海洋性氣候 Oceanic climate 王益崖『地理学』296
焊錫 / noun 1889 Solder 銲錫 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』47
花邊 / noun 1866 an embroidered border, 花邊 Lobscheid『英華字典』s.v. Border
花梗 / noun 1887 Myrospermum pedicellatum 小花梗米羅司卑麻 Fryer『西藥大成藥品中西名目表』41
环礁 / noun 1903 自其形狀言之。則曰⋯環礁(Atoll) 『中學地文教科書』96
減速 / verb 1889 Ease 減速 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』17
接種 / verb 1898 伝至日本。互相接種其効昭然。 『申報』7月11日「予防痘症篇」
烙鐵 / noun 1889 Soldering iron 嵌錫烙鐵 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』47
硫酸 / noun 1883 Sulphuric acid 硫酸 Fryer『金石中西名目表』32
漏斗 / noun 1857 譬如水洩於漏斗 A. Williamson in『六合叢談』1/3, 7
摩擦 1 verb 1851 琥珀用燥羊毛摩擦一辺、此摩擦処便能拾芥、就是電気発出、似磁石噏鉄一般。 Macgowan『博物通書』第一章
泥土 / noun 1858 衝激泥土成新地 W. Muirhead in『六合叢談』1/13, 8 as opposed to the two-word nominal phrase
鉗子 / noun 1848 鉗子⋯小鉗子 Medhurst, English and Chinese Dictionary, s.v. Pliers
臍帶 / noun 1887 Cotydon umbilicus 有臍帶苦替離屯 Fryer『西藥大成藥品中西名目表』18
山脈 / noun 1858 山脈之方向 W. Muirhead in『六合叢談』1/13, 9
哨子 / noun 1889 Steam whistle 汽哨子 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』49
石灰水 / noun 1887 Lime water 石灰水 Fryer『西藥大成藥品中西名目表』35+
石墨 / noun 1883 Plumbago, or Graphite 石墨 Fryer『金石中西名目表』26
石蕊 / noun 1885 Litmus 石蕋 Fryer『化學材料中西名目表』21
手動 / adjective 1889 Hand gear 手動器具, 或手動齒輪 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』26
手續 / noun 1901 行政訴訟之手續 『譯書彙編』7, 54
水表 / noun 1889 Water gauge 水表 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』56
外徑 / noun 1889 Outer diameter of tubes 烟管外徑 Fryer『汽機中西名目表』35
峡谷 / noun 1903 其上部陷落時。則成絕壁如削。是謂峽谷。 『中學地文教科書』52
-性 2 nominal suffix 1664 中通曰、水流下而趨中、有剛火性也、火炎上而旋昇、有柔水性也。 方以智『物理小識』 first occurrence in three-morpheme words
堰塞湖 / noun 1903 大別之則分凹地湖堰塞湖二種 『中學地文教科書』86
蔗糖 / noun 1885 Cane sugar 蔗糖 Fryer『化學材料中西名目表』8
钟乳石 / noun 1903 鐘乳石(Sta<l>actite) 『中學地文教科書』75 Doolittle (1872): 石鐘乳


A Supplement to 近現代漢語辭源







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