Run 'bundle exec rails bookdb_prep:seed_formats' to seed a default format. Otherwise the app will crash when starting - it expects one book format to be available.
Quick search code is adapted from the Drifting Ruby Episode 369 and then augmented from (especially the styling and the form invalidations)
Quick search and search use search_cop. Search is scoped for book titles, book original titles.
Moving away from noty and used turbo - as described in this video:
Check out localhost:3000/lookbook for a preview and description of all view components.
There are two main categories of service objects: Book searching and creations, and image searching and creation.
The logical flow is:
- user searches for a book - either through a form ( or by scanning ISBNs (
- the search parameters (author, title, isbn) are passed to a controller called which in turn calls, .search_author or .search_title
- (x is either Google:: or Amazon::) - MORE TO WRITE HERE
- the view is responsible for rendering a view that shows all results found (with some styling if the book is already present). the results are clickable and will call IsbnCreate.create
- IsbnCreate.create will call
- wrap the creation of a book, its authors (if not existing) and its publisher in one ActiveRecord transaction. It will then call
- will try to attach the picture found in picture_url. It returns a return object that contains a field for "created" (true or false), a message, and (if successful) "picture" (the picture object or nil)
- will then return a return object that contains a field for "created" (true or false), a message and the book object that was created (if successful).
- scan_queues_controller.rb
- index: lists a queue
- new: shows a form to scan ISBN codes
- create: creates an entry in the queue
- destroy: destroys an entry in the queue
- isbn_search_controller.rb
- new: shows search form
- show: shows search results
- isbn_create_controller.rb
- create: Creates a book from an ISBN code (via service object)
- scan_queues/new.html.erb: Displays a possibility to scan isbn-codes and shows a turbo-frame to the right of the scan area with scanned isbn codes
- scan_queues/_results.html.erb: Content of the above mentioned turbo-frame.
- scan_queues/create.turbo_stream.erb: Updates the above mentioned turbo-frame with a new ISBN code
- scan_queues/destroy.turbo_stream.erb: Updates the above mentioned turbo-frame by removing an ISBN code
- scan_queues/index.html.erb: Comes after "new" - and shows all scanned isbn codes to click on (which then searches for matches for that ISBN code)
- isbn_search/new.html.erb: Shows a form to search by manually entering an ISBN code, an author name or a book title
- isbn_search/show.html.erb: Shows the results of above form
- isbn_search/show.turbo_stream.erb: Shows results in scan_queues/index.html.erb
- isbn_search/_resultpreview.html.erb: Partial to display the book cover or a generic SVG in above views
- isbn_create/create.turbo_stream.erb: Used to update the scan_queues/index.html.erb view - removing the ISBN list entry of the book just created
A lot of views have the possibility to display different things or switch between different modes. This is done by passing parameters to the view. The following parameters are commonly used: :show - This specifies "how to display" something. Three typical values are possible:
- 'grid': This renders cards with thumbnails and details
- 'list': This renders items as lists
- 'settings': This is used for admin views - rendering shorter lists
:list - This specifies WHAT to list out: Mainly used for "tags" which are polymorphic. Examples:
- 'books': lists books
- 'authors': lists authors
There is a stimulus controller to switch between tabs (in tags view), code taken from this youtube video:
This stimulus controller makes sure we can click charts and then a table with data appears. Taken from here: With some help from discord: Every chart has to have the iD of "statChart" and the corresponding value in the div as well.
- Owners: The "user" field and used for authentication
- Profiles: More details for owners
- Books: Main model. Rateable, attachments (cover) and rich text synopsis
- Publishers: Book Publishers; slug (friendly id) derived from name or combination of name and location
- Authors: Book Authors. Can contain pictures and are rateable
- Book Formats: Book Formats (hardcover, softcover, ebook etc). The boolean "fallback" value which should be present on only one format is used if a format is not defined
- Genres: Genres of books
- Tags: Free text tags to categorize books. "Per user" - users don't see tags that don't belong to them
- Shelves: The "store location" of books. "Per user" - users don't see shelves that don't belong to them; shown as tabs on the book index page, with default tabs "all books" and "my books", as well as "books in no shelf" always visible
This application is setup using Ruby v 3.1.2
The following Gems are used in this project:
- For active-storage, image_processing ( is used
- for easy going back to previous pages, backpedal (
- to display URLs like /books/hobbit instead of /books/3, friendly_id (
- pagy to paginate big collections ( The "load more" concept is coming from here:
- inline_svg to display SVGs (
- has_scope for scoped routes and similar (
- country_select for book country selection (
- search_cop for searching (
- devise for user authentication (
- metainspector for webcralwing (
- Viewcomponents ( for reusable components
- For formatting and linting, solargraph (, solargraph-rails (, rubocop (, rubocop-rails ( and rubocop-performance ( are included.
- Annotate ( is used to auto-annotate models and routes
- Rails-ERD ( is used to draw the entity relationship diagrams as a PDF
- Bullet ( is used to detect N+1 issues.
- Prosopite ( for more N+1 detection
- Reek ( to detect code smells
- Brakeman ( to detect security issues
- Database consistency checker ( is used to validate database constraints vs validations
- Faker ( to quickly generate data
- Factory Bot ( to easily generate test data
- Better_errors (and dependency binding_of_caller) for nicer error messages (
- letter_opener to to test e-mails (
- pry-rails ( for debugging / console
- lookbook ( for previewing view components
- CSS is processed using cssbundling-rails (
- Javascript is processed using jsbundling-rails (
- RequestJS-rails to improve JS/Rails interaction (
The following packages have to be added via yarn:
- dropzone (for uploading images interactively) (
- sweetalert2 to replace the boring browser dialogs (
- tom-select ( for the nice tag-like selection in form select fields - I used this guide: (
- html5-qrcode ( for the barcode scanning functionality - see also
Check package.json for all dependencies that were added.
The controller to add author subforms (another_sub_form) is based on this guide:
- RSpec is used for writing tests (using the rspec-rails gem
- RSpec is enhanced with Rails-controller-testing ( Using Simplecov to analyze code coverage (
- The depcreciation warning logic is from here:
This project is partially based on normalize.css (