Arduino code running in my bedside lights.
There is:
- an arduino
- 2 switches (internal pullup resistors, switched to ground) (pins 9 and 10)
- 2 Neopixel strips (one with 29 LEDs, one with 30) (pins 5 and 6)
- A bluetooth serial chip. (BT TX / Arduino RX on pin 2, BT RX / Arduino TX on pin 3)
Currently the code animates the lights on and off when the switches are switched. The two strips each have a single colour, hardcoded. The animation runs the brightness from 0 to 1. The brightness is also affected by how far from the center the LED is - so it's brightest in the middle, and barely on at the edge.
In February 2019 I replaced this code with the excellent ESP Home and a 20 line config script. The animations aren't custom any more, but it has automatic wifi strength, online status and discovery in my hassio system.