An example demonstrating a way to structure a clojure and clojurescript application using facebook's reactjs.
This app is a tool for birdwatchers and teams of birdwatchers to keep track of the birds they've seen. We're currently seeking venture capital.
- compile the shared code with
lein cljx once
- compile the clojurescript with
lein cljsbuild once
- you'll see a really magnificent number of warnings due to the sloppy usage of history.js and advanced compilation. Don't worry about that. - start a repl with
lein repl
- evaluate
- populate the dev data:
(require '[ :as dev-data]) (dev-data/add-fixture-data)
- Go to localhost:8000 in your browser
- You can sign up as a new user or log in as jill, phil, or bill, each with the password 123456
- Click around.
This blog post talks about the concepts implemented in this code base: How I Structured a Clojure(+Script) Web App
There's bug I haven't worked out where if you sign up then create a team, you're not listed as the owner of the team. Probably something trivial. Workaround by signing up, then out, then back in, and proceeding as normal.
This is either a problem with lein, cljx, or my usage of one of those two things. When I clean out all generated code, then run lein cljx auto
, the task fails because my .clj code can't compile. Because it depends on .cljx code. That hasn't been compiled to .clj code yet. (like this.) A simple fix to this nuisance is to comment out all source-paths
properties in the project.clj, then run lein cljx once
, then uncomment those properties, then resume a normal workflow. Because that's such a pain in the ass, I've committed the generated code under target/generated to this repo - hopefully the first time you attempt to run a repl or otherwise compile this project you won't have to deal with this.
I don't use the functionality provided by friend in cases where I probably should; In birds.web-page I include the friend/authenticate
middleware, but don't use the friend-login route at all. This business could be cleaned up.
Errors with austin: Austin (a clojurescript repl tool) allows starting a repl, but it throws an error about the pump macros.
CSS styling is god awful. PRs to make the example app less hideous would be accepted, but I don't really care about the looks, given that this isn't an example of how to make handsome websites.
The source of this project is drawn primarily from another (closed-source) project. If there's cruft, and there is, that's why. PRs to eliminate unused code are welcome. There's also surely stylistic, security, and functionality concerns. Again, PRs welcome. If there's a common task when developing clojurescript web apps without an implementation in this codebase, please open an issue or submit a PR.