A short virtual reality puzzle game set in a cyberpunk world.
Dependency | Download link |
Unity 2018.3.6 | https://unity3d.com/ |
SteamVR Unity Plugin 1.2.3 | https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin/releases/download/1.2.3/SteamVR.Plugin.unitypackage |
ProBuilder 2.9.8 | https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/modeling/probuilder-2-x-111418 |
- Clone this repository.
- Open folder as a Unity project.
- Install SteamVR from provided Unity package.
- Install ProBuilder 2.x from Asset Store using link provided.
- From Unity's toolbar, select TButt -> Core Settings and then click Save All Settings.
- Discard all changes that Unity made to files tracked by version control (mostly applicable to ProjectSettings files).
- Using Unity's Project window, navigate to Assets/Scenes and open the Jackout scene.
- File -> Build Settings -> Build
Unity has a weird habit of removing tags and layers associated with the project. To fix this issue, just roll back any changes to ProjectSettings/TagManager.asset.