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This library is a personal work, actually used in production apps feel free to contact me via github to collaborate or for feature request
- Infer typescript types
- Generate type as string for file generation
- Generate mongo schemas from types
- format and validation
- Can return a different type (ts and validation) depending of a method (create, update, delete...).
- Eg: When using
, you usually want to throw an error oncreate
but not onupdate
- Also, when required, the typescript prop type in an object will be required (
myProp: val
instead ofmyProp: val
) so you wont have to check for undefined before accessing the value - Eg2: in a mongo model, you usually want _id field to be mandatory in an object type on read but not on write
- Eg: When using
import { _, InferType } from 'good-cop/frontend'
const strDef = _.string().optional()
const objDef = _.object({
string: _.string().required(),
enum: _.enum(
arr: [_.email()],
otherArr: _.array(_.url()).maxLength(3).required(),
subObj: {
subField: _.genericObject('fieldName', { date: _.date() }), // tsType: { [fieldName: string]: { date: Date } }
regexp: _.string().regexp(/my\sregexp/),
type Obj = InferType<typeof objDef>
string: string
enum?: [ number, boolean ]
arr?: string[]
otherArr: string[]
subObj?: {
subField?: { [fieldName: string]: { date: Date } }
regexp?: string
import { _, InferTypeRead, InferTypeWrite } from 'good-cop/frontend'
const _ = new Definition<{
default: { // instead of default you can also have multiple databases
[modelName: 'user' | 'organization']: any
default: {
}).init() // the .init is necessary for the types suggestions to work best
const user = _.mongoModel(
['creationDate'], // those fields will be autoCreated and will appear as always defined on read method but not required in write
firstName: _.string(),
org: _.ref('organization')
type userWrite = InferTypeWrite<typeof user> // this is the type that may be used in a create or an update function
type userRead = InferTypeRead<typeof user> // this is the default and may be used for data outputted by the database
const organization = _.mongoModel([], { name: _.string() }})
- make a way for types to work with population or provide a helper