Michael's List is a simple craigslist search aggregator that makes use of YQL for fetching data, AJAX for making calls and populating the page, and Twitter Bootstrap for UI elements.
This is a small side project I'll be hosting here. I got the idea from a web engineering class, when we were discussing about how widely used craigslist is, despite how horrendusly dated their website's interface is. When I found out all of their data is accessible through YQL, this idea came a long. So feel free to contribute or submit features you would like to see.
- Source: https://github.com/mpeechatt/michaels-list
- Homepage: http://michaelslist.co.nf
- Improved data formating (price, title, location)
- Sorting based on price (lowest to highest and vise versa)
- Favorite functionality stored on client
- Emailing directly to the seller
- Description previewing
- Image gallery previewing
- Expand search outside of Rochester
- Mobile app version
- Purchase domain and hosting for deployment
- Social sharing functionality
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. I'd love to see this little project grow, and hopefully it will help push Craigslist to update their site's UI =]
I do not own Craigslist or any of its associated data. This is an open source project for educational and non-profit use.