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Use this package to do threshold resolution of API calls to Torus nodes. Since Torus nodes operate on a threshold assumption, we need to ensure that API calls also follow such an assumption. This is to prevent malicious nodes from withholding shares, or deliberately slowing down the entire process.

This utility library allows for early exits in optimistic scenarios, while handling rejection of invalid inputs from nodes in malicious/offline scenarios. The general approach is to evaluate predicates against a list of (potentially incomplete) results, and exit when the predicate passes.

πŸ”— Installation

You can install the TorusUtils using Swift Package Manager:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "10.0.0")
targets: [
    .target( name: "<INSERT_TARGET_NAME>",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "TorusUtils", package: "torus-utils-swift")
    ) ],

Or CocoaPods:

    pod 'Torus-utils', '~> 10.0.0'

Getting Started

Initialize the TorusUtils class by passing TorusOptions as params. Params includes TorusNetwork, enableOneKey, and your clientId. enableOneKey if true, adds the nonce value to the key, to make it compatible with v2 users. The package supports both legacy and sapphire networks.

   let torusUtils = TorusUtils(params: TorusOptions(clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", network: .SAPPHIRE_MAINNET, enableOneKey: true))

Use getPublicAddress function to retrive the public address of the user. To fetch the public address, we'll require node details as well, for that we'll use NodeDetailManager.

Use the getNodeDetails function to retrive the node details for specific verifier and verifierId. Here the verifierId would be the value for the verifier id. For instance, user's email.

 do {
    let fnd = NodeDetailManager(network: .sapphire(.SAPPHIRE_DEVNET))

    let nodeDetails = try await fnd.getNodeDetails(verifier: verifier, verifierID: verifierID)

    let publicDetails = try await torus.getPublicAddress(endpoints: nodeDetails.getTorusNodeEndpoints(), verifier: verifier, verifierId: verifierID)
 } catch let error {
    // Handle error

Use retrieveShares function to login a user, and get the login data such as sessionData, privKey, evmAddress, metaData for user. Along with node details, it also takes verifier, verifierParams, and idToken(JWT token).

// verifier_id takes the value, for instance email, sub, or custom. 
let verifierParams = VerifierParams(verifier_id: "verifier_id_value")

do {
 // Use nodeDetails from above step
 let verifierParams = VerifierParams(verifier_id: verifierID)
 let data = try await torus.retrieveShares(endpoints: nodeDetails.getTorusNodeSSSEndpoints(), indexes: nodeDetails.getTorusIndexes(), verifier: verifier, verifierParams: verifierParams, idToken: token)

 let evmAddress = data.finalKeyData!.evmAddress
} catch let error {
    // Handle error


  • iOS 13 or above is required

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