Studying the effects of music on concentration, competition, motivation, and motor skills.
The properties of the environment that a person is placed in can influence their behavior no matter what activity they are taking part in. These properties can include temperature, lighting, color, music, and much more. Just within music alone, there is quite a bit of variation we can create. For example, musical environments can differ by genre, tempo, volume, key, lyrical content, and so on. Even within a single song or musical phrase these elements can change. With music streaming becoming more accessible and more students and employees turning to music to fuel their work from home during the current Coronavirus pandemic, it is more important than ever to understand the cognitive effects of listening to music. If we can begin to understand these effects, we might be able to use them to benefit individuals or society as a whole.
The game was written in Python (Flask), HTML, and JavaScript. Data from the game, including player scores, the layout of the grid, and the position of the players cursor during different actions is stored in a SQL data table. The data from this SQL table is then converted to a .csv file and analyzed with a Python script.