Project for HPI SS2020 for the Deep Learning lecture
- Nicolas Alder (Master Data Engineering, Hasso Plattner Institute)
- Eric Fischer (Master Data Engineering, Hasso Plattner Institute)
- Erik Langenhan (Master IT Systems Engineering, Hasso Plattner Institute)
- Nataniel Müller (Master Digital Health, Hasso Plattner Institute)
- Christian Warmuth (Master Data Engineering, Hasso Plattner Institute)
- Simon Witzke (Master Data Engineering, Hasso Plattner Institute)
Histopathologic cancer detection on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained lymph node sections slides following the Kaggle challenge.
How to install and let it run can be viewed in this demo.
Our training colab notebooks can be viewed here:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -W ignore -trnl "path to train split" -tstl "path to test split" -f "path to images" -o "path to output" -m densenet121 -n "Neptune Text"
python3 -tstl "path to test split" -f "path to images" -a densenet121 -p uuid-model.pkl -o uuid-opt.pkl -hist uuid-history.json
For documentation and comprehensibility, we stored all our runs in a project here.
For normalization, we used and modified the python implementation of the normalization method proposed by Macenko et al. under the following licence (a copy also visible in our repo here). This python implementation is used in the file helper_scripts/