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GraphQL Auth OPA is a directive for GraphQL Schema that adds an Authentication and Authorization directive using Open Policy Agent

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import { opaAuthDirective } from "@treedom/graphql-auth-opa/opaAuthDirective";
// You could also use the @styra/opa OpaClient
import { OpenPolicyAgentClient } from "@treedom/opa-client-sdk";

// Include the directive in the schema
const typeDefs = `#graphql

type Query {
  ping(message: String!): String! @opa(path: "my/opa/policy", options: { ... })

// Configure OPA auth transformer
const opaTransformer =  opaAuthDirective(
    requestContextField?: string // default: 'req' 
    directiveName?: string

// Apply the transformer function to the schema
const schema = opaTransformer(makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs }))

// if you want the context apply it to the Apollo context type
type MyContext = {request: IncomingMessage}

const server = new ApolloServer<MyContext>({

// Start apollo with standalone server

const { url } = await startStandaloneServer(server, {
  // require an http.IncomingMessage implementation 
  context: async ({ req }) => ({ request: req }),

OPA policy input

This plugin queries OPA providing the following properties as input:

  • headers the headers object, this requires a context request forwarding
  • parent the GraphQL parent object of the field/object which got queried
  • args the GraphQL args object of the field/object which got queried
  • options static untyped properties defined in the directive arguments (optional)

Example Rego Policy

Let's imagine a GraphQL server which accept requests authorized using JWTs containing the role property in their claims. The following Rego uses a hypotetical oidc.verify_token that validates the JWT signature and returns the token claims or false if the token is not valid.

package my.opa.policy

import rego.v1
import data.oidc

default allow := false

allow if {
    user := oidc.verify_token(input.headers.authorization)

    user.role = "admin"

Headers forwarding

If you need to forward the headers to OPA you can use the requestContextField option to specify the name of the request context field.

To do that you need to manually build the context by adding the request object.

Currently the request should have a headers property with http.IncomingHttpHeaders type. Compatible with FastifyRequest<...> and http.IncomingRequest.

Apollo Server Example

import { IncomingMessage } from 'node:http'

type MyContext { 
  req: IncomingMessage

const opaClient = new OpenPolicyAgentClient({
  url: 'http://opa.test:3000',

const transformer = opaTransformer(opaClient, {
  requestContextField: 'req' // should be the name of the request context field

const schema = transformer(makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, ... }))

const server = new ApolloServer<MyContext>({...})

const { url } = await startStandaloneServer(server, {
  context: async (ctx) => (ctx),

Fastify Example

import fastify, { FastifyRequest } from 'fastify'
import fastifyApollo, {
} from '@as-integrations/fastify'

type MyContext = {
  request: FastifyRequest

const opaClient = new OpenPolicyAgentClient({
  url: 'http://opa.test:3000',

const transformer = opaTransformer(opaClient, {
  requestContextField: 'request' // should be the name of the request context field

const schema = transformer(makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, ... }))

const apolloServer = new ApolloServer<ApolloContext>({
    plugins: [fastifyApolloDrainPlugin(app)],

  await apolloServer.start()

  app.log.debug({}, 'Apollo Server plugin loaded')

  // Build context function
  await app.register(fastifyApollo(apolloServer), {
    context: async (request) => {
      return {
        request, // FastifyRequest

Custom directive

The authorization directive can be customized registering a custom one in the schema and specifying its name in the plugin configuration:

scalar OpaOptions
directive @policy(path: String!, options: OpaOptions) on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION
const transformer = opaTransformer(opaClient, {
  authDirective: 'policy'
  opaOptions: {
    // ...

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This project is licensed under the MIT License.