Tribe is a project management framework that allows us to build platforms, products, applications and web interfaces, using a modular approach. It provides a coherent language for UX, content and design collaborations.
- independent cloud or dedicated server
- php 8
- 1gb ram
- 1 core
- ubuntu 20.04
- make your server ready for tribe using -
bash -c "$(wget --no-cache --no-cookie -O -)"
bash -c "$(wget --no-cache --no-cookie -O -)"
- To upgrade from exiting tribe projects, update composer.json and copy files auth.php, api.php, uploads.php and index.php to the root folder of the existing project
- there are 2 tables - data and meta. both tables have same table structure
- tribe uses json heavily, the need for creating new tables is eleminated by use of json
- the column 'content' uses json, example usage:
$sql->executeSQL("SELECT \`id\` FROM \`data\` WHERE \`content\`->'$.type'='user'");
- data table stores all posts', post-types' and users' data
- meta table is for plugins to use as the developers deem fit, it can be used for web analytics data, to store user sessions or any other use-case
- nginx config is available at /etc/nginx/sites-available/<domain.tld>
bash -c "$(wget --no-cache --no-cookie -O -)"
more info on uninstall -