Releases: tryashtar/nbt-studio
Releases · tryashtar/nbt-studio
NBT Studio v1.15.3
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You also need to install the .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0 to run this program.
+ Fixed an issue with filetype autodetect. The program now will try different methods if it thinks the loaded file is empty
NBT Studio v1.15.2
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You also need to install the .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0 to run this program.
+ Updated to .NET 6. This may mean you have to install it again, sorry for the trouble. It's very frustrating how Microsoft makes it so difficult for users to run C# applications that use the latest language features.
NBT Studio v1.15.1
NBT Studio v1.15
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+ Updated to .NET 5. This should be an improvement, but you may have to download the new version of .NET.
+ SNBT and string tag dialogs now have a word wrap option
+ String tag dialog is now larger, and resizable
+ Other minor improvements to tag dialogs
+ Errors now appear when files in a folder failed to load
+ Long or multiline strings now show a tooltip on hover for easier reading
+ Fixed an issue where overwriting the same file didn't completely replace it
+ Fixed ampersands not rendering properly in the tree
+ Fix to text rendering that should make spacing more consistent in some situations
+ Fixed tags with newlines displaying incorrectly in bulk edit window
+ Fixed bulk edit window getting ridiculously large sometimes
+ Bulk edit window can now be resized, and the columns as well
NBT Studio v1.14.4
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+ Performance improvements involving tags no longer refreshing when they didn't actually change
+ Fixed HexBox hex pasting reinterpreting your text as ASCII bytes
NBT Studio v1.14.3
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+ Fixed errors/data corruption that could occur when undoing/redoing after certain tag operations
NBT Studio v1.14.2
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+ Button to clear undo/redo history
+ Fixed crash error when selecting all children of a node
+ Fixed text being blurry, misaligned, or cut off for some people
NBT Studio v1.14.1
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+ Tags no longer collapse when sorting, refreshing, or editing as SNBT
+ Sort button now alternates between sorting by name, and sorting by type (then name)
+ Greatly improved stability of sorting and refreshing, especially involving undos
+ Refresh errors now use the new detailed error window
NBT Studio v1.14
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+ New refresh button to reload all files from disk, discarding your changes if any
+ You can now import additional files into the application to work on
+ You can now right-click and discard files to exclude them
+ Search window tells you if no results were found, or how many were found when using "find all"
+ More information is provided when a file fails to load, including an extremely verbose "more details" dropdown
+ Likewise for pasting and deleting errors, including pasting SNBT
+ Application is now 64-bit I think, this seems to make it run out of memory less often when opening gigantic files
+ Fixed bugs involving the undo history system
NBT Studio v1.13.2
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+ New default icon set from the new Minecraft Wiki icons
+ Fixed custom icon sets not actually deferring to the default when an icon was unspecified
+ Improved save as dialog; region file formats will only appear when saving a region file
+ Exporting as JSON SNBT will now always use double quotes for quoting keys and values, never single quotes
+ Bulk edit window now shows how many tags are going to be changed
+ Rearranged export options window, and added checkbox for bedrock header. Also, when saving new files, the default options selected based on file name are slightly better.