The goal is to make this repository a place to put "working code". Most of the files will be Jupyter Notebooks, which provide a great environment to develop, test, and showcase code in a stepwise fashion. Jupyter Notebooks also allow for the easy integration of code with other forms of media. Most of this development will occur in the Julia programming language.
Whenever I have written a function that is in a (re)usable state, I will move it into a *.jl file for easy importation into other work. Though I will try to keep my notebooks organized, I consider them all works in progress. The more reliable stuff will be in the *.jl files. Anything that is in a real state of flux will be kept in the in_progress
I made this repository to contain my work for an independent study course, however, I've decided to keep using it as a general workspace going forward. Because the original work was for the course, I started organizing the files by reading. I quickly realized that this wasn't going to work, as it sometimes made sense to combine concepts from multiple readings or to only pull from part of a reading for a particular demonstration. I am currently naming the files with a descriptive title, but I will still include references to texts within the notebooks as I see fit.