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Unsplash Photo Gallery Project

Display Photos from Unsplash and Show Photo Details


  • Build a React app that fetches and displays a list of photos from the Unsplash API. When a user clicks on a photo, a detailed view of that photo, including its title, author, and description, should be shown.


1. Display a Grid/List of Photos:

  • Fetch a list of photos from the Unsplash API using their public API.
  • Display the photos in a responsive grid or list view on the page.
  • Each photo should display a thumbnail (a small version of the image) and the author’s name.

2. Infinite Scroll (Scroll to Load More):

  • As the user scrolls down the page, loads more photos automatically from the Unsplash API.
  • Use pagination or the "page" parameter from the Unsplash API to fetch additional pages of photos.
  • Add a loading indicator that shows when new photos are being fetched.
  • Handle cases where there are no more photos to load (end of list).

3. View Photo Details on Click:

  • When a user clicks on any photo, navigate to a detailed view of that specific photo.
  • In the detailed view, show the following:
    • The full-size image.
    • The photo title (if available) or placeholder text.
    • The author’s name.
    • The photo description (if available) or placeholder text.

4. Navigation and Routing:

  • Use React Router or equivalent library for navigation between the list of photos and the detailed photo view.
  • Implement appropriate URLs such as /photos for the list and /photos/:id for the detailed view.

5. API Integration:

  • Use the Unsplash API to fetch data. You’ll need to sign up for an API key at Unsplash Developers.
  • Use the official API endpoint to retrieve the list of photos and individual photo details.
  • Handle loading states and errors appropriately while fetching data.

6. Styling and Responsiveness:

  • The UI should be responsive for both desktop and mobile screens.
  • Add some basic styling, but the emphasis is more on functionality than appearance. Use a CSS framework like Bootstrap, Material UI, or plain CSS.


Criteria Description Point
API Integration Successfully fetches data from the Unsplash API, handles loading and error states well. 1
Photo Grid/List Display Displays photos in a responsive, well-styled grid/list with author info. 2
Infinite Scroll Infinite scroll works smoothly, with seamless loading of new photos and clear loading indicators. 1
Photo Details View Displays full photo, title, author, and description. Provides a good user experience. 2
Routing and Navigation URLs are intuitive and functional. 1
Styling and Responsiveness App is well-designed, fully responsive across devices, with additional style considerations. 1
Code Quality Code is well-organized, with comments, reusable components, and follows React best practices. 1
Public hosting Upload to a public host. 1