Prosody external authentication for OAuth2
User supplied username and password will be sent to specified OAuth2 Provider to verify the identity as specified in Section 4.3 of RFC 6749 (Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant) or RFC 6750 (Bearer Token). Either password or bearer token can be used to verify the user identify.
Install python requests library
- run pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit to define the following parameters
- clientId = "xmpp"
- clientPass = "xmpp-client"
- tokenUrl = ""
- userUrl = "{0}/exists/"
- verify = False or cabundle file
It is required to specify the cabundle file if https connected to sever with self-signed certificate in tokenUrl and userUrl. Please see [python requests library] ( for details.
Edit to define logger log level (INFO/ERROR/DEBUG/FATAL) for all oauth2 requests.
'loggers': {
'requests': {
'handlers': ['logfile'],
'level': 'DEBUG',
'propagate': True,
'oauth2': {
'handlers': ['logfile'],
'level': 'DEBUG',
'propagate': True,
Run with the parameter as specified in [prosody external auth] (
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