- Create a python vertual environment with conda or pip
- Check your CUDA version on your system:
- Ensure that you have pytorch install from the pytorch Official Website, copy the command according to CUDA version for example:
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia
- After pytorch is installed, you must install all of the other dependencies via the requirments.txt file
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
or create your conda environment via the requirements.txt
conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt
Additionally you may need to run the following command in order to run the custom environment:
pip install -e .
run via this command
py run_gymnasium_env.py
- Currently there is a trained model Chord_model.pt that you can test. Other than that you can run the training and tweak what ever you would like.