This is a legacy website for the Speculum Romanae Magnificentia.
Metadata for this website represents a lot of careful work from Rebecca Zorach, formerly of the University's Art History department, and graduate students working with her on this project. The data is in VRA format, and a series of CDB indexes allow for searching and browsing. Metadata for the project has been stable for years, and the .cdb files should be considered fixed at this point- rebuilding them from the original data may not be possible.
The site originally used Flash-based components for the itineraries feature and for zoomable viewing, but it has recently been overhauled to use IIIF and the Universal Viewer. For a list of all ARK identifiers and digital objects in the project, navigate to the ark_data.db database and run the following command:
SELECT * FROM arks WHERE project='speculum';
Build a copy of this site, and start it in a docker container:
git clone
docker build -t speculum .
docker run --rm -it -p 80:80 speculum