A versatile authorisation middleware with a complete OAuth2 SSO solution without an own user-database.
- A pluggable SSO implementation for your existing project
- Reliable OAuth2 implementation
- The best starting point for new projects
- Easy to install
- Easy to manage
- Fast response times
- Low memory and CPU consumption
- Vendor-LockIn
- A specific User-Database
- Headaches
The documentation can be found at docs.uitsmijter.io
- Uitsmijter A standalone OAuth2 authorization server with embedded middleware that provides login mechanisms to your project without changing the existing user database. The goal of this project is to bring trustworthy and easy-to-integrate security to your project within a few hours from installation, configuration and implementation to go-live.
- Buildbox Build-Container and E2E-test-runner
- image-processor Resizes images and generates different formats from original images
- Documentation repository
- ToDo application This app demonstrates a simple ToDo page before and after migrating authentication to Uitsmijter.
- CheckCredentials This service takes credentials from an Uitsmijter provider and validates it against an existing user database from the demonstration ToDo application.
We are very pleased to talk to you. The Uitsmijter team is at your disposal on various platforms. We hope that one of them meets your preferences.
For all kind of help and feature wishes, the discourse server could be the right place for you.
If you find a bug, please create an issue.
We run a Mastodon instance on which some bots report on the status of the project, but where the developers also hang out.
Here are some accounts of interest:
@release Bot, reports about new releases
@build Bot, reports about pipeline status
@kris Project maintainer
Feel free to add us at Mastodon.
To contribute a feature or idea to Uitsmijter, create an issue explaining your idea.
Please read our Code of Conduct
Uitsmijter is a product of aus der Technik