Stone Age Colony This game is about creating and managing a primitive settlement in a survival fashion. There are classic features like collecting, gathering, crafting. But player will not have to do it all itself. Player will have a settlement full of companions where each companion has a job to do. Such as, crafters and soldiers. Player will try to create a settlement which is self-sustainable and can defend itself against the attacks of other settlements and wild animals.
- 1.Implementation Order (remaining) Settlement
Structure Basics Town Hall Walls Houses Crafting Stations Farms
NPC AI for Using Structures
0.2.Item ID Convention and List 0-99: Regular Usable Objects 100-199: Gatherable objects, food wood water etc. 200-299: Edibles 300-399: Structures 400-499: Structures:Crafting Stations 500-699: Crafting Materials 1000-1199: Equipment 10000+: Unique Items such as settlement
1.Main Points Building System Placing items Equipment Crafting Stats AI Inventory Gathering Colony Management Buildings in Colony Character Customisation (NPCs) Character Animations Combat Weather System Attacks Animals Taming Dialogue System Upgrade System Items Tutorial
1.1 Building System
- Buildings will be primitive, maybe mud.
- There will be fences, both big wooden defensive fences and small fences made out of branches.
There will be two versions of building system. First one is Rust type. Second one is The Forest type*.
1.2 Placing Items
- Player will be able to pick up objects and place it somewhere else. This is different from building system.
1.3 Equipment
- NPCs will be able to wear items. This has 2 purposes: Firstly it is cosmetic and make them look more natural and more different than each other. Secondly, for stats which will be used when defending the settlement. Player can choose which npc wears what. Equipment can give stats so warrior npcs will be more durable than crafter-gatherer npcs. But crafter-gatherers will be able to craft-gather faster all because of stats. So a role of NPC will be determined by its stats and its equipment.
Each equipment will require a specific set of stats to use. Upgrading an equipment will increase stat requirements.
1.4 Crafting Player will be able to craft items just like other survival games. There will not be any requirements other than items. For example, player can craft most advanced items even at the beginning of the game if requirements are met.
1.5 Stats There will not be any leveling but there will be stats which are buffed by equipment that character wears. Similar to Terraria. Stats: HP: Regular HP Stamina: Will determine how much npc can do its job without taking breaks. Dexterity: Will affect crafting-working speed (good for crafters). Strength: Will affect melee damage (good for soldiers).
1.6 AI AI will not be complicated. Main points: NPCs that are assigned as soldiers will defend against attacks. Crafter-gatherer NPCs will craft-gather objects and drop it to storage if they are full. NPCs will go to sleep at night. NPCs will eat at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. NPCs will rest when they are out of stamina. Stamina will last long so it won’t be unrealistic where npcs take a break every 15 seconds.
1.7 Inventory Both player and npcs will have inventory. NPC inventory can be managed by player. NPCs will use their inventory to craft items if they are assigned to crafting items.
1.8 Gathering Player will start by gathering simple stuff like rocks and wood. There will be metals for advanced objects. Player will not have to do all this itself since there will be a settlement with lots of companions.
Stuff to gather: Wood Rock Food Water Metals
1.9 Colony Management Player will start its colony by building a Town Hall.
How will new people join to settlement? Option1: Recruit them from building. Option2: They will come walking and ask the player etc.
1.10 Buildings in Colony (Structures) Town Hall - Gathering Point: Settlement will be expanded from this building. Player can manage colony from here. This building is composed of a campfire in the middle and stools around to sit. Settlement gatherings will take place here.
Crafting Stations: There will be crafting stations which both player and NPCs can work. NPCs will be assigned jobs to work on crafting stations.
- Wood crafting station
- Rock related crafting station
- Metal smelter
- Anvil for metal objects
- Well for water* (or carry water from rivers and boil it)
- Kitchen
- Pottery, so liquid can be stored.
Walls: There will be 2 kind of walls.
- Big Wooden Walls: These will defend against big attacks.
- Wooden Fence: These will be initial defense system. Can also used in late game for cosmetic reasons or small defense stuff.
Houses: NPCs require shelter. Colony population limit will be determined by amount of houses in the colony. Each NPC will have a house assigned. There can be more than one NPC assigned to a house, 1 NPC for each bed in a house. NPCs will go to their homes at night to sleep and rest.
Farms: Player will place farms that allow seeds to be planted. Farms will provide food for the settlement so more population means bigger-better farm requirements.
1.11 Character Customisation Characters will have different faces-hairs-clothings so they will look different. Each character or NPC will have a name.
1.12 Character Animations Idle Walking Running Resting Sleeping Sitting Talking Crafting Dying Getting Items Dropping Items
First Person Animations:
1.13 Combat Combat is needed for defending settlement against attacks but I dont know how the combat specifics will be. Will decide later.
1.14 Weather System Weather system will be purely cosmetic.
Cloudy Rainy Sunny Foggy
1.15 Attacks At the beginning of game there can be wild animal attacks. Number of animals will be increased after a while so player will have to fight against bigger packs. Type of animals can get stronger as well. There wont be an attack every day since that would be unrealistic. But there will be a need to grow settlement and have some soldiers.
After a while, player settlement will be discovered by other “settlements”. These will not physically be in the world. But there will be attacks from these settlements, which will be more difficult than animal attacks. Maybe a diplomacy system?
These enemies will spawn a bit far away and come to player settlement.
1.16 Animals Enemy: Dogs Bears Lions Maybe rhinos
For taming*: Dogs Chicken
1.17 Taming This feature may not be implemented.
Player will be able to tame animals similar to ARK. Tamed chickens will provide eggs. Dogs are for combat and cosmetic.
1.18 Dialogue System Dialogue system will allow players to manage NPCs in settlement.
- Assign them jobs
- Assign their equipment
- See their stats
1.19 Upgrade System Players will be able to upgrade items, nothing fancy. Upgraded items will require different stats.
1.20 Items Types of items:
- Regular usable items such as edibles.
- Picked up items such as stools or small structures that can be placed again.
- Equipment, which can be equipped from inventory.
1.21 Tutorial Tutorial will be implemented in later stages.
2.Maybe Stuff: Diplomacy, Taming, Disasters (sickness etc).