Simple Java application for converting an Excel spreadsheet into a Drools DRL file. While this application can convert any properly formatted Excel spreadsheet into a Drools DRL file, it is primarily intended for generating Drools rules files for the Kuali OLE (Open Library Environment) application.
- Java 1.7
- Gradle 2.6
Install the required software
Clone this repository
In a terminal/command prompt switch to the "ole-drools-xls2drl" directory and run the following Gradle command:
gradle distZip
This will create a "" file in the build/distributions/ subdirectory. Copy the zip file to a convenient location. and unzip the file. This will create a "xls2drl-1.0-SNAPSHOT" directory. Switch to the xls2drl-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/ subdirectory and run the "xls2drl" script (on Linux/Mac OSX) or the "xls2drl.bat" script (on Windows).
The xls2drl/xls2drl.bat script takes the following arguments:
Prints this help message.
[(-o|--outfile) <outfile>]
The filename to output the Drools rules to. If not present, will print
rules to standard output.
The filename of the Excel spreadsheet to convert.
The -o/--outfile argument is optional.
This software is provided under the CC0 1.0 Universal license (
This application uses third-party jars distributed under various licenses. See 3RD_PARTY_LICENSES for more information about these jars and their licenses.