Software Engineering @ DTM | EIT Digital - a.y. 2023-2024
Three microservices on the backend side:
- account-service
- escooter-service
- renting-service
Two frontends for users and the e-scooter company:
- user-app
- company-dashboard
Embedded software on e-scooters:
- escooter-agent-simple
- Microservice for managing the set of user accounts
- Running on port 5050
- Microservice for managing the set of e-scooters device
- Running on port 5060
- Microservice for managing the rents
- Running on port 5070
- Web-based dashboard showing the position of e-scooters
- Based on a backend running on port 5200
- Web-based app for users to subscribe to the service
- Based on a backend running on port 5300
- Software Agent controlling an e-scooter (emulating embedded software)
- Running on port 5100
To clone the repository
- Open a terminal
- change dir to the directory where to store and run the demo
- type:
git clone
You should see a new directory
, including a subdirectory for each subsystem:account-service
To run the account-service:
- Open a terminal
- change dir to
directory - to install libraries first type:
npm install
- to run the service type:
npm start
You should see:
Account service up and running - listening on port 5050
To run the e-scooter-service:
- Open a terminal
- change dir to
directory - to install libraries first type:
npm install
- to run the service type:
npm start
You should see:
E-Scooter service up and running - listening on port 5060
To run the renting-service:
- Open a terminal
- change dir to
directory - to install libraries first type:
npm install
- to run the service type:
npm start
You should see:
Renting service up and running - listening on port 5070
To run the user-app
- Open a terminal
- change dir to
directory - to install libraries first type:
npm install
- to run the web app backend type:
npm start
You should see:
User app backend un and running at 5300
To see the user app in action to register a new user, open the browswer and go to:
(try with a not existing user and with an existing user)
To run the company-dashboard
- Open a terminal
- change dir to
directory - to install libraries first type:
npm install
- to run the web app backend type:
npm start
You should see:
Company dashboard endpoint at 5200
To see the dashboard, open a new browser window and go to:
You should see a map (Cesena Campus)
To run the simple e-scooter controlling agent
- Open a terminal
- change dir to
directory - to install libraries first type:
npm install
- to run the agent type:
npm start
For the demo we use the Postman application to directly interact with services, reproducing some use cases. After running the application, upload the collection API-postman_collection.json
available in the repo root. The collection includes main API that can be used to emulate the case study.
Proposed demo -- sequence of requests (included in the collection API) to be done:
- get current users
- add a new user
- get again the list of users
- add an escooter
- get the list of escooters
- get the state of an escooter
- start a new rent
- get the rent info
- configure the agent to control the escooter
- turn the scooter on
- activate automode (check the map)
- deactivate automode
- turn the scooter off
- end the rent
Docker can be used to automate the deployment. A full CI Environment can be used to automate all the process.