This image is only intended for being part of the VANDA Deap Learning Stack!
Runs Elasticsearch 5.2.0 on top of the openjdk/8-jre with Debian Wheezy as base system.
After pulling this repository and changing the Dockerfile first build the new image locally to test it. Optionally specify the repository and tag at which to save the new image if the build succeeds.
$ docker build -t vandatud/elasticsearch:1.0.1 -t vandatud/elasticsearch:latest -f /path/to/Dockerfile
If this Git repository is pushing back to the server, DockerHub will automatically build this image. For manually push the locally build to the DockerHub use the docker cli.
$ docker login
$ docker push vandatud/elasticsearch:1.0.1
Run a new container instance without
$ docker run -d -t -p 9200 -p 9300 --name vanda-elasticsearch_inst vandatud/elasticsearch:latest
or with an interactive bash session for inspecting the image.
$ docker run --rm -t -i -p 9200 -p 9300 --name vanda-elasticsearch_inst vandatud/elasticsearch:latest -- bash -l
$ docker ps
e46a689d75a8 vandatud/elasticsearch:latest "elasticsearch" Less than a second ago Up 11 seconds>9200/tcp,>9300/tcp vanda-elasticsearch_inst
Once the container is running you can open the web interface under the attached host port (i.e. localhost:32780)
First you must activate you drive as shared drive in the Docker Engine.
Now you can the Docker container with:
$ docker run -d -t -p 9200 -p 9300 --name vanda-elasticsearch_inst -v /path/to/local/backup/folder:/backup_elasticsearch vandatud/elasticsearch:latest
All following instructions are from Elasticsearch Now you must configure the Shared File System Repository in Elasticsearch:
$ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:32781/_snapshot/backup_elasticsearch' -d '
"type": "fs",
"settings": {
"location": "/backup_elasticsearch",
"compress": true
You can create a Snapshot with
$ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:32781/_snapshot/backup_elasticsearch/vanda_articles?wait_for_completion=true' -d '
"indices": "vanda_articles",
"ignore_unavailable": true,
"include_global_state": false
And restore Snapshot with:
POST http://localhost:32781/_snapshot/backup_elasticsearch/vanda_articles/_restore
For a Elasticsearch cluster use a Docker composer configuration.
Attach the Docker container with ID or name
$ docker exec -i -t vanda-elasticsearch_inst /bin/bash