Mastercoin is both a new type of currency (MSC) and a platform. It is a protocol layer running on top of Bitcoin similar to how HTTP runs on top of TCP/IP. It provides a decentralized currency exchange, user currencies, smart property, savings wallets and other features.
For more information see the Mastercoin website.
Omniwallet is a new type of web wallet, that combines security, ease of use, multi-currency support, and is completely open source from the ground up (even including the deployment scripts)
It currently supports Bitcoin and Mastercoin, and will support Mastercoin-derived currency in the future. In addition, support for other blockchains is a high priority for us - you will be able to store Litecoins, Peercoins, and other alts on the same highly secure web wallet (See running bounty for Peercoin integration).
For more information see the Omniwallet announcement.
You can access the beta site at (Note: Omniwallet is in active development, make sure you maintain proper backups of all address!)
It is highly recommended to use the Automated Install method as the Manual method is currently outdated and in process of being updated
Check out the Omni Devops Project
The following process is out of date and needs to be updated to properly reflect the dependancies on OmniEngine, Omnicore and psql.
~~Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git build-essential autoconf libtool libboost-all-dev pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libleveldb-dev libzmq-dev libconfig++-dev libncurses5-dev python-simplejson python-git python-pip libffi-dev libpq-dev uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python
For Armory offline addresses build and install Armory packages
sudo apt-get install git-core build-essential pyqt4-dev-tools swig libqtcore4 libqt4-dev python-qt4 python-dev python-twisted python-psutil
git clone git://
cd BitcoinArmory
sudo make
sudo make install
NOTE: If you've recently upgrade from ubuntu 13 to 14 release do not install python-pip with apt-get. Instead:
sudo apt-get remove python-pip
sudo python
Clone Omni repository:
git clone
Install nginx:
cd omniwallet
sudo -s
pip install -r requirements.txt
nginx=stable # use nginx=development for latest development version
add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/$nginx
apt-get install nginx
cp etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-available
Find and replace the following sections near the beginning of /etc/nginx/sites-available/default:
nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
## Set this to reflect the location of the www directory within the omniwallet repo.
root /home/myUser/omniwallet/www/; -> "root /{path to project}/omniwallet/www/;
## Set this to reflect the location of the omni-redirects file within the omniwallet repo
include /home/myUser/omniwallet/etc/nginx/sites-available/omni-redirects;
Install npm:
curl -sL | bash -
apt-get install nodejs
npm install -g uglify-js
npm install -g grunt-cli
chmod -R 777 ~/.npm
npm install grunt
npm install bower
npm install
Use Mastercoin tools to start a bitcoin obelisk server:
cd node_modules
git clone
Find and replace the following section near the beginning of install-msc/
nano install-msc/
Start web server:
service nginx start
Install Bitcoind (note: you only need this if you plan on using the send functionality of the wallet, the explorer and wallet feature will work fine without it)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bitcoind
Note: You need to populate $HOME/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf with rpcssl, rpcuser, rpcpassword, and rpcport, example config:
Run Bitcoind (note: this should be run in a separate console or computer than the console running
bitcoind -txindex -printtoconsole -checkblocks=1
Start the omni application service manager "" on a separate screen (note that the proccess takes few hours for first initialization):
screen -S omni
cd /{path to project}/omniwallet
Hit CTRL+a+d to exit the screen while keeping it active, and use the command screen -S omni
Omniwallet is installed from the command line, so you'll need to open the Terminal application to run the commands listed in this section.
You'll need to have Xcode 5.1 (or later) installed and the latest command-line tools (Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads -> Command Line Tools should have a checkmark).
Next, make sure you have Ruby installed. If you've installed Xcode, you should have Ruby.
If you don't have the Homebrew package manager installed, use Ruby to install it:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install sx using Homebrew. We use the --HEAD uption since we need the latest development version. homebrew/versions is needed for gcc48. Note that dependencies need to be installed manually to get the head versions. After building libboost, create symbolics links that are missing for boost_thread.
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew tap Nevtep/bitcoin && brew prune && brew update
brew install boost-gcc48 --c++11 --HEAD
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/boost-gcc48/HEAD/lib/libboost_thread-mt.a /usr/local/Cellar/boost-gcc48/HEAD/lib/libboost_thread.a
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/boost-gcc48/HEAD/lib/libboost_thread-mt.dylib /usr/local/Cellar/boost-gcc48/HEAD/lib/libboost_thread.dylib
brew install zeromq2-gcc48 czmq-gcc48 --HEAD
brew install czmqpp-gcc48
brew install libbitcoin libwallet obelisk sx --HEAD
Update ~/.sx.cfg with an obelisk server details. Don't have one already set up? Here's how to build one on Rackspace:
# ~/.sx.cfg Sample file.
service = "tcp://"
Make sure you have python libraries installed - note that we use easy_install
to install GitPython. Pip installs an older, stable version, and we need things that start in beta version 0.3.2.
brew install git libffi
sudo easy_install simplejson GitPython pip
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Install uwsgi with pip to get python support.
sudo pip install uwsgi
Install nginx, and drop in the config included with this codebase.
sudo curl -OL h > /usr/local/src/pcre-8.01.tar.gz
sudo curl -OL h > /usr/local/src/nginx-0.8.33.tar.gz
## Install PCRE
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/src
cd /usr/local/src
tar xvzf pcre-8.01.tar.gz
cd pcre-8.01
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
cd ..
## Install Nginx
tar xvzf nginx-0.8.33.tar.gz
cd nginx-0.8.33
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-http_ssl_module
sudo make install
## Start Nginx
sudo nginx
sudo curl -OL h > /usr/local/src/pcre-8.13.tar.gz
sudo curl -OL h > /usr/local/src/nginx-1.1.4.tar.gz
## Install PCRE
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/src
cd /usr/local/src
tar xvzf pcre-8.13.tar.gz
cd pcre-8.13
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
cd ..
## Install Nginx
tar xvzf nginx-1.1.4.tar.gz
cd nginx-1.1.4
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-http_ssl_module
sudo make install
## Start Nginx
sudo /usr/local/sbin/nginx
# create, then go into the build directory
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/src
cd /usr/local/src
# download, build, and install pcre
sudo curl -OL
sudo tar xvzf pcre-8.31.tar.gz
cd pcre-8.31
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make
sudo make install
cd ..
# download, build, and install nginx
sudo curl -OL
sudo tar xvzf nginx-1.3.8.tar.gz
cd nginx-1.3.8
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-http_ssl_module --with-pcre=../pcre-8.31
sudo make
sudo make install
# start nginx
sudo /usr/local/sbin/nginx
# Build Nginx 1.5.7 on Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9)
# This script was created by Kevin Worthington - - 12 December 2013
# Original article at:
# This useful script is provided for free, but without warranty. Use at your own risk.
# By downloading this script you agree to the terms above.
# create, then go into the build directory
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/src
cd /usr/local/src
# download, build, and install pcre
sudo curl -OL
sudo tar xvzf pcre-8.33.tar.gz
cd pcre-8.33
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make
sudo make install
cd ..
# download, build, and install nginx
sudo curl -OL
sudo tar xvzf nginx-1.5.7.tar.gz
cd nginx-1.5.7
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-http_ssl_module --with-pcre=../pcre-8.33
sudo make
sudo make install
# start nginx
sudo /usr/local/sbin/nginx
Copy nginx configuration
cp etc/nginx/sites-available/default /usr/local/nginx/sites-available
Find these sections near the beginning of /usr/local/nginx/sites-available/default:
## Set this to reflect the location of the www directory within the omniwallet repo.
root /home/cmlacy/omniwallet/www/;
index index.html index.htm;
## Set this to reflect the location of the omni-redirects file within the omniwallet repo
include /home/myUser/omniwallet/etc/nginx/sites-available/omni-redirects;
Change the root
directive to reflect the location of your omniwallet codebase (actually the www directory within that codebase).
Set the user that will run nginx to the one running omniwallet - one thas has permissions on the source - in the first line of /usr/local/conf/nginx.conf
user {owner of source dir} {group of source dir};
Make sure you have uglifyjs (Note that there are a couple flavors of this available - you need the uglifyjs
executable, which is included in the uglify-js
NPM module - NOT the uglifyjs
sudo npm install -g uglify-js
Run npm install
npm install
Create the parsed blockchain data directory
sudo mkdir /var/lib/omniwallet
sudo chown {user who will run omniwallet} /var/lib/omniwallet
Start nginx by running the command for your distribution. on Ubuntu use:
sudo service nginx start
Using the config included, nginx will launch an HTTP server on port 80.
Set an environment variable containing a secret passphrase - this is used to generate salts for indivdual user IDs, and it needs to be both secret AND not change.
export OMNIWALLET_SECRET="DontTellAnyoneThis"
Start the python services by running:
This will create a parsing & validation work area in /tmp/omniwallet, and begin parsing the blockchain using the server listed in your .sx.cfg file (see above).
Most of the HTML in /www is checked in, however three files are generated at install:
These are generated by the script as a part of "npm install". If you need to regenerate them, and do not wish to run a full "npm install" (though that's pretty fast), you can also run:
grunt build
If you install the development dependencies (npm install --development
), you'll also be able to use the serve-static.js
script, which can save you the effort of running nginx if you're just doing development on the static HTML pages.
Signing your commits with a PGP key is always appreciated.
- Generate a key:
- Sign your commit:
git commit -S
(Works for merges too, don't need to sign every commit, just the last one before you push something up. - Check the signature on your commit:
HTTP GET /v1/transaction/values.json
"accept_pages": 0,
"currency": "MSC",
"name": "Mastercoin",
"name2": "",
"pages": 355,
"sell_pages": 0,
"trend": "down",
"trend2": "rgb(13,157,51)"
"accept_pages": 7,
"currency": "TMSC",
"name": "Test MSC",
"name2": "",
"pages": 126,
"sell_pages": 4,
"trend": "up",
"trend2": "rgb(212,48,48)"
HTTP GET /v1/values/<coin symbol>.json
"price": 0.06865699418321376,
"symbol": "MSC"
HTTP GET /v1/values/history/<coin symbol>.json
"timestamp": 1396571412.478132,
"value": {
"price": 0.06865699418321376,
"symbol": "MSC"
"timestamp": 1396571448.99139,
"value": {
"price": 0.06865699418321678,
"symbol": "MSC"
HTTP GET /v1/property/<property ID>.json
[ { baseCoin: '00',
block: '293180',
color: 'bgc-new',
currencyId: 0,
currency_str: 'Smart Property',
dataSequenceNum: '01',
details: 'unknown',
ecosystem: '02',
formatted_amount: 0,
formatted_ecosystem: 2,
formatted_previous_property_id: 0,
formatted_property_type: 1,
formatted_transactionType: 50,
formatted_transactionVersion: 0,
from_address: '1471EHpnJ62MDxLw96dKcNT8sWPEbHrAUe',
icon: 'unknown',
index: '486',
invalid: false,
method: 'multisig',
numberOfProperties: '500',
previous_property_id: '00000000',
propertyCategory: 'Coupons, Gifts',
propertyData: 'Each promo coupon allows one free redemption on the Mastercoin faucet.',
propertyName: 'Mastercoin Faucet Promo Coupon',
propertySubcategory: 'Web',
propertyUrl: '',
property_type: '0001',
to_address: 'unknown',
transactionType: '0032',
transactionVersion: '0000',
tx_hash: '331e4e204f9200a37fb5ea3364bfe52c33bfda3a1f0064d66e1b55e5faa03ba6',
tx_method_str: 'multisig',
tx_time: '1396151474000',
tx_type_str: 'Fixed property creation',
update_fs: false } ]
HTTP GET /v1/system/revision.json
"last_block": 284634,
"last_parsed": "07 Feb 2014 15:48:39 GMT",
HTTP GET /v1/system/stats.json
"amount_of_addresses_managed": 22,
"amount_of_transactions": 131,
"amount_of_wallets": 29
HTTP GET /v1/transaction/general/{Currency}_{4 digit page}.json
"amount": "00000000004c4b40",
"baseCoin": "00",
"block": "284632",
"color": "bgc-done",
"currencyId": "00000002",
"currency_str": "Test Mastercoin",
"dataSequenceNum": "01",
"details": "1AxWcEqfV7FQ6qkZRL1PeHZ1EDGtpuZHCH",
"formatted_amount": "0.05",
"from_address": "1BxtgEa8UcrMzVZaW32zVyJh4Sg4KGFzxA",
"icon": "simplesend",
"icon_text": "Simple send",
"index": "266",
"invalid": false,
"method": "multisig",
"to_address": "1AxWcEqfV7FQ6qkZRL1PeHZ1EDGtpuZHCH",
"transactionType": "00000000",
"tx_hash": "cf919a86223e27ea49af5f5ec62cd5a8971f4ceaf0bab5a97c0e9849abf21774",
"tx_method_str": "multisig",
"tx_time": "1391784042000",
"tx_type_str": "Simple send"
HTTP Get /v1/exchange/offers/offers-{offer ID}.json
"amount": "0000000077359400",
"baseCoin": "00",
"bitcoin_required": "2e-05",
"block": "267568",
"btc_offer_txid": "unknown",
"color": "bgc-expired",
"currencyId": "00000002",
"currency_str": "Test Mastercoin",
"dataSequenceNum": "01",
"details": "unknown_price",
"formatted_amount": "20.0",
"formatted_amount_accepted": 20.0,
"formatted_amount_bought": "0.0",
"formatted_amount_requested": "20.0",
"formatted_price_per_coin": "0.000001",
"from_address": "1EdAjiApS5cCpHdH4RKPMab1xmMVRWjLvk",
"icon": "sellaccept",
"icon_text": "Payment expired",
"index": "274",
"invalid": false,
"method": "multisig",
"payment_done": false,
"payment_expired": true,
"payment_txid": "Not available",
"sell_offer_txid": "02c300afb5c776d6013ba8833f4986f093e516c7511808146287b59689346596",
"status": "Expired",
"to_address": "13NRX88EZbS5q81x6XFrTECzrciPREo821",
"transactionType": "00000016",
"tx_hash": "33644e6f24b29e1ef170d78ff04eab6f7e19368908edc6d477f9902697a71d67",
"tx_method_str": "multisig",
"tx_time": "1383423463000",
"tx_type_str": "Sell accept",
"update_fs": true
HTTP GET /v1/transaction/tx/{transaction ID}.json
"amount": "00000000004c4b40",
"baseCoin": "00",
"block": "283922",
"color": "bgc-new",
"currencyId": "00000002",
"currency_str": "Test Mastercoin",
"dataSequenceNum": "01",
"details": "19TRR5mBqiV1ZtmbhYmTcCfxvayk8esrfF",
"formatted_amount": "0.05",
"from_address": "1HG3s4Ext3sTqBTHrgftyUzG3cvx5ZbPCj",
"icon": "simplesend",
"icon_text": "Simple send (1 confirms)",
"index": "68",
"invalid": false,
"method": "multisig",
"to_address": "19TRR5mBqiV1ZtmbhYmTcCfxvayk8esrfF",
"transactionType": "00000000",
"tx_hash": "71b7f453d43ef2d56c004b21ce5bedf1f3f2e05c6ce7464ebbc1c10df421eeeb",
"tx_method_str": "multisig",
"tx_time": "1391417992000",
"tx_type_str": "Simple send"
var dataToSend = { addr: address };
$.post('/v1/address/addr/', dataToSend, function ( result ) {
console.log( )
}).fail( function() {} );
"0": {
"accept_transactions": [],
"balance": "2.21965319",
"bought_transactions": [],
"exodus_transactions": [],
"offer_transactions": [],
"received_transactions": [
"amount": "000000000d3aec07",
"baseCoin": "00",
"bitcoin_amount_desired": "000000",
"block": "284544",
"block_time_limit": "",
"color": "bgc-new",
"currencyId": "00000001",
"currency_str": "Mastercoin",
"dataSequenceNum": "6c",
"details": "1AxWcEqfV7FQ6qkZRL1PeHZ1EDGtpuZHCH",
"formatted_amount": "2.21965319",
"from_address": "1MaStErt4XsYHPwfrN9TpgdURLhHTdMenH",
"icon": "simplesend",
"icon_text": "Simple send (1 confirms)",
"index": "449",
"invalid": false,
"method": "basic",
"to_address": "1AxWcEqfV7FQ6qkZRL1PeHZ1EDGtpuZHCH",
"transactionType": "00000000",
"tx_hash": "e13e3018461a297e2ce3d2681d60e3f120efababc117fa9a40785029fb2d2282",
"tx_method_str": "basic",
"tx_time": "1391730636000",
"tx_type_str": "Simple send"
"sent_transactions": [],
"sold_transactions": [],
"total_bought": "0.0",
"total_exodus": "0.0",
"total_received": "2.21965319",
"total_sell_accept": "0.0",
"total_sell_offer": "0.0",
"total_sent": "0.0",
"total_sold": "0.0"
"1": {
"accept_transactions": [],
"balance": "0.0",
"bought_transactions": [],
"exodus_transactions": [],
"offer_transactions": [],
"received_transactions": [],
"sent_transactions": [],
"sold_transactions": [],
"total_bought": "0.0",
"total_exodus": "0.0",
"total_received": "0.0",
"total_sell_accept": "0.0",
"total_sell_offer": "0.0",
"total_sent": "0.0",
"total_sold": "0.0"
"address": "1AxWcEqfV7FQ6qkZRL1PeHZ1EDGtpuZHCH",
"balance": [
"symbol": "MSC",
"value": "2.21965319"
"symbol": "TMSC",
"value": "0.0"
"symbol": "BTC",
"value": "0.57421089"
var dataToSend = { addr: from_addr };
$.post('/v1/transaction/validateaddr/', dataToSend, function (data) {}).fail( function() {} );
will contain one of:
Value | Meaning |
{ "status": "OK" } |
Address is a valid source |
{ "status": "invalid pubkey" } |
Public key on the blockchain for that address is invalid. |
{ "status": "missing pubkey" } |
No public key exists on the blockchain for this address. Usually this means that the address has not yet sent any coins anywhere else. |
{ "status": "invalid address" } |
This address just isn't valid. |
var dataToSend = {
from_address: from_address,
pubKey: pubKey,
to_address: to_address,
amount: amount,
currency: currency,
fee: fee,
marker: marker
$.post('/v1/transaction/send/', dataToSend, function (data) {
//data should have fields sourceScript and transaction
}).fail(function () {} );
var rawTx = Crypto.util.bytesToHex(sendTx.serialize());
var dataToSend = { signedTransaction: rawTx };
$.post('/wallet/pushtx/', dataToSend, function (data) {}).fail( function() {} );
No return value in data
/v1/transaction/getunsigned/<type of property to create>
Property Types:
50 = unmanaged (fixed nunmber of tokens, never changes)
54 = managed (you can issue/revoke tokens with a separate tx later)
Your post data will need to include the following fields
'transaction_version' : (int) 0
'transaction_from' : (string) the sending address
'pubkey' : (string) pubkey of the sending address
'fee' : (int) miner fee's to create the tx with (in satoshis)
'ecosystem' : (int) 1 for production 2 for test
'property_type' : (int) 1 for indivisible (whole unit tokens), 2 for divisible (tokens can be divides to decimal amounts like BTC)
'previous_property_id': (int) 0
'property_category' : (string) Choose a category (less than 10 chars)
'property_subcategory': (string) Choose a subcategory (less than 15 chars)
'property_name' : (string) Choose a name (less than 14 chars)
'property_url' : (string) A url website for your property (:21 chars or less)
'property_data' : (string) any additional details/description for your property (less than 250 chars)
Additionally only for property type 50 include the following field
'number_properties' : (int) Valid values: 1 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 which represents
0.00000001 to 92,233,720,368.54775807 divisible coins or tokens
1 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 indivisible coins or tokens
var dataToSend = { addr: from_addr };
$.post('/wallet/validateaddr/', dataToSend, function (data) {}).fail( function() {} );
will contain one of:
Value | Meaning |
{ "status": "OK" } |
Address is a valid source |
{ "status": "invalid pubkey" } |
Public key on the blockchain for that address is invalid. |
{ "status": "missing pubkey" } |
No public key exists on the blockchain for this address. Usually this means that the address has not yet sent any coins anywhere else. |
{ "status": "invalid address" } |
This address just isn't valid. |
var dataToSend = { seller: from_address, pubKey: pubKey, amount: amount, price: price, min_buyer_fee: min_buyer_fee, fee: fee, blocks: blocks, currency: currency };
$.post('/v1/transaction/sell/', dataToSend, function (data) {
//data should have fields sourceScript and transaction\
}).fail(function () {} );
var rawTx = Crypto.util.bytesToHex(sendTx.serialize());
var dataToSend = { signedTransaction: rawTx };
$.post('/v1/transaction/pushtx/', dataToSend, function (data) {}).fail( function() {} );
No return value in data
var dataToSend = { addr: buyer };
$.post('/v1/transaction/validateaddr/', dataToSend, function (data) {}).fail( function() {} );
will contain one of:
Value | Meaning |
{ "status": "OK" } |
Address is a valid buyer |
{ "status": "invalid pubkey" } |
Public key on the blockchain for that address is invalid. |
{ "status": "missing pubkey" } |
No public key exists on the blockchain for this address. Usually this means that the address has not yet sent any coins anywhere else. |
{ "status": "invalid address" } |
This address just isn't valid. |
var dataToSend = { buyer: buyer, pubKey: pubKey, amount: amount, tx_hash: tx_hash };
$.post('/v1/transaction/accept/', dataToSend, function (data) {
//data should have fields sourceScript and transaction
}).fail( function () {} );
var dataToSend = { signedTransaction: rawTx };
$.post('/v1/transaction/pushtx/', dataToSend, function (data) {}).fail( function() {} );
No return value in data
var postData = {
type: 'ADDRESS',
address: address,
currencyType: ctype,
offerType: offer,
$.post('/v1/exchange/offers/', postData , function(data,status,headers,config) { });
Variable | Possible Values |
address | Bitcoin address |
ctype | 'tmsc' or 'msc' |
offerType | 'SELL' (for Offers Made and Sold) or 'ACCEPT' (for Sales Accepted and Bought) |
Resulting data
"status": "OK",
"data": {
"offer_tx": [
"tx_hash": "d2caf8a19b29959e1fe34dc7a499bddb6ee40fd3fb3fa23e4cc00b827e11b818",
"to_address": "unknown",
"formatted_bitcoin_amount_desired": "0.01",
"color": "bgc-new",
"fee_required": "00c350",
"tx_time": "1390480514000",
"formatted_fee_required": "0.0005",
"from_address": "17rExRiMaJGgHPVuYjHL21mEhfzbRPRkui",
"index": "110",
"tx_type_str": "Sell offer",
"formatted_price_per_coin": "0.01",
"currencyId": "00000002",
"amount": "0000000005f5e100",
"invalid": false,
"details": "0.01",
"bitcoin_amount_desired": "00000000000f4240",
"method": "multisig",
"dataSequenceNum": "01",
"currency_str": "Test Mastercoin",
"formatted_block_time_limit": "10",
"amount_available": -52,
"formatted_amount": "1.0",
"icon": "selloffer",
"formatted_amount_available": "-52.0",
"tx_method_str": "multisig",
"icon_text": "Sell Offer (2639 confirms)",
"block_time_limit": "0a",
"transactionType": "00000014",
"baseCoin": "00",
"block": "282035"
"sold_tx": []
var postData = {
transaction: bidHash
currencyType: currencyType,
validityStatus: validity,
$.post('/v1/exchange/offers/', postData , function(data,status,headers,config) {});
Variable | Possible Values |
bidHash | Hash code of the transaction |
currencytype | 'tmsc' or 'msc' |
validityStatus | 'ANY', 'VALID', 'EXPIRED', or 'INVALID' |
Resulting data
"status": "OK",
"data": [
"tx_hash": "a24a6b5b38cec7047c14d2ce581c8576e233cf555bd318053d3bed12ebf803ce",
"to_address": "1EdAjiApS5cCpHdH4RKPMab1xmMVRWjLvk",
"from_address": "1F73UPD5xBKgTSRd8q6QhuncVmDnJAHxYV",
"payment_expired": false,
"color": "bgc-done",
"update_fs": true,
"tx_time": "1383470727000",
"formatted_amount_accepted": 0.9,
"sell_offer_txid": "e1a53bf47d64391294d07110f6cc9f94e56963e960829ad45886c9800047a6bf",
"index": "28",
"payment_txid": "Not available",
"tx_type_str": "Sell accept",
"formatted_price_per_coin": "0.000808",
"currencyId": "00000002",
"amount": "00000000055d4a80",
"invalid": false,
"details": "unknown_price",
"formatted_amount_bought": "0.9",
"formatted_amount_requested": "0.9",
"method": "multisig",
"dataSequenceNum": "01",
"transactionType": "00000016",
"status": "Closed",
"btc_offer_txid": "8bb6b4ec970e9bbeb4500022b284767ce30f03dd0edf5d81b23f31dd6e26891d",
"formatted_amount": "0.9",
"payment_done": true,
"bitcoin_required": "0.0007272",
"icon": "sellaccept",
"tx_method_str": "multisig",
"icon_text": "Payment done",
"currency_str": "Test Mastercoin",
"baseCoin": "00",
"block": "267672"
var postData = {
transaction: transaction,
currencyType: ctype
$.post('/v1/exchange/offers/', postData , function(data,status,headers,config) {});
Variable | Possible Values |
transaction | Bitcoin transaction hash |
ctype | 'tmsc' or 'msc' |
Resulting data
"status": "OK",
"data": [
"tx_hash": "11020fe143c4a228bc093137a1cda8b7699c8ff9af78f7e4d31f3034f612f12c",
"index": "343",
"tx_type_str": "Simple send",
"to_address": "1E68hpSZghk2UmFP3c3JCWnB9mpKWB1gyT",
"from_address": "1HG3s4Ext3sTqBTHrgftyUzG3cvx5ZbPCj",
"tx_method_str": "multisig",
"color": "bgc-done",
"tx_time": "1391662945000",
"icon_text": "Simple send",
"invalid": false,
"currencyId": "00000002",
"amount": "0000000000989680",
"dataSequenceNum": "01",
"currency_str": "Test Mastercoin",
"formatted_amount": "0.1",
"transactionType": "00000000",
"icon": "simplesend",
"baseCoin": "00",
"method": "multisig",
"block": "284397",
"details": "1E68hpSZghk2UmFP3c3JCWnB9mpKWB1gyT"
User wallet data is signed and unsigned locally in the browser. The server only keeps a copy of the public address and encrypted password
"uuid": "02ddc252-7fb0-4e7d-c28e-be94a5dc56d0",
"email": "[email protected]",
"addresses": [
"address": "1JwSSubhmg6iPtRjtyqhUYYH7bZg3Lfy1T",
"privkey": "6PRQ7ivF7LhQs7m4ZYbmj8Z1U7847LENYS22YBQNDLDXiVuKWZ8XDCEhjF"
var postData = {
wallet: walletData
$.post('/v1/user/wallet/sync/', postData, function (data) {}).fail( function() {} );
Variable | Possible Values |
wallet | The wallet the user wants to save |
Returns status "EXISTS" if wallet already exists and type was "CREATEWALLET"
var postData = {
email: email
$.post('/v1/user/wallet/restore/', postData, function (data) {
// Do something with data.wallet
Variable | Possible Values |
Email of wallet to retrieve |
Returns status 'OK' if wallet was found. Example:
"status": "OK",
"uuid": "02ddc252-7fb0-4e7d-c28e-be94a5dc56d0",
"addresses": ["1JwSSubhmg6iPtRjtyqhUYYH7bZg3Lfy1T"],
"email": "[email protected]",
"addresses": [
"address": "1JwSSubhmg6iPtRjtyqhUYYH7bZg3Lfy1T",
"privkey": "6PRQ7ivF7LhQs7m4ZYbmj8Z1U7847LENYS22YBQNDLDXiVuKWZ8XDCEhjF"
Returns status 'MISSING' if the wallet was not found.
var postData = {
property: 2
$.post('/v1/properties/list/', postData, function (data) {
// Do something with resulting data
Variable | Possible Values |
property | Retrieve addresses with given properties |
Returns status 'OK' if property was found. Takes a array of integers as input (non hex ints) and returns smart property data as a result. Example:
input: [2147483653]
"data": [
"address": "1471EHpnJ62MDxLw96dKcNT8sWPEbHrAUe",
"data": {
"accept_transactions": [],
"balance": "0.000005",
"bought_transactions": [],
"exodus_transactions": [],
"offer_transactions": [],
"received_transactions": [
"baseCoin": "00",
"block": "293180",
"color": "bgc-new",
"currencyId": "2147483653",
"currency_str": "Smart Property",
"dataSequenceNum": "01",
"details": "unknown",
"ecosystem": "02",
"formatted_amount": 0,
"formatted_ecosystem": 2,
"formatted_previous_property_id": 0,
"formatted_property_type": 1,
"formatted_transactionType": 50,
"formatted_transactionVersion": 0,
"from_address": "1471EHpnJ62MDxLw96dKcNT8sWPEbHrAUe",
"icon": "unknown",
"index": "486",
"invalid": false,
"method": "multisig",
"numberOfProperties": "500",
"previous_property_id": "00000000",
"propertyCategory": "Coupons, Gifts",
"propertyData": "Each promo coupon allows one free redemption on the Mastercoin faucet.",
"propertyName": "Mastercoin Faucet Promo Coupon",
"propertySubcategory": "Web",
"propertyUrl": "",
"property_type": "0001",
"to_address": "unknown",
"transactionType": "0032",
"transactionVersion": "0000",
"tx_hash": "331e4e204f9200a37fb5ea3364bfe52c33bfda3a1f0064d66e1b55e5faa03ba6",
"tx_method_str": "multisig",
"tx_time": "1396151474000",
"tx_type_str": "Fixed property creation",
"update_fs": false
"sent_transactions": [],
"sold_transactions": [],
"total_bought": "0.0",
"total_exodus": "0.0",
"total_received": "0.0",
"total_reserved": "0.0",
"total_sell_accept": "0.0",
"total_sell_offer": "0.0",
"total_sent": "0.0",
"total_sold": "0.0"
"status": "OK"
Returns error status if the property was not found.