This is the HassMic integration, a Home assistant integration designed to enable Android devices acting as Home Assistant voice assistant satellites.
It is meant to pair with the HassMic App.
Install this integration in Home Assistant, either by using HACS (preferred) or
by cloning the repository into your custom_components/
directory as hassmic
Once installed, you have two options. If your Home Assistant has Zeroconf discovery enabled (it does unless you've turned it off explicitly or your network configuration is whacky), devices running the HassMic app will automatically be discovered.
If you don't have Zeroconf enabled or it isn't working, you can add devices by
IP address (or hostname). The port should remain set to the default, 11700
It is currently in active development and probably has lots of bugs. Some highlights:
- There is currently NO configurability. HassMic uses your default assist pipeline, default wakework, and default text-to-speech engine, and outputs the result through the HassMic app. All of this will be improving soon!
Please report all other bugs using the issue tracker!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.