Releases: velara/MercenaryMarketplaceVolume1
3.0.1 Bugfix Release
Updated saving throw prompts for Mercenary Alchemists to use the correct format, so they now work.
Updated inline damage rolls to use the damage type formatting. Your mercenaries are now compatible with the IWR automation.
Fixed the broken links in the Orc ancestry templates.
Fixed the CSS leak that was causing bullet points to appear in the sidebar menu.
Updated the Ravager example crew to have abilities that don't overlap with the base creatures abilities.
2.0.6 - The ORC update
Added Orc Ancestry Templates.
Improved performance of Sorcerous Template, spell slot filling should no longer occasionally fail on high level actors.
Fixed broken journal links in Crew and Ragtag Crew template.
Repaired macro link to Generate Random Spell list in Generic Spellcasters stat blocks.
Updated macros to correctly function if a token was selected rather than just a character sheet.
Updated the Sorcerous Template Macro to improve performance and added Genie, Nymph, Psychopomp and Shadow bloodlines.
Replaced Rule elements on Effect: Tiger Form, Effect: Winged Tiger Form and Effect: Burning Tiger form. Fixed Proficiency rule elements were subbed out for Adjust Proficiency rule elements. Closes a bug where the effects were failing to modify the NPCs statistics and instead throwing an error.
Updated all Ancestry and Descriptive Templates to use the new multiple selectors functionality for Flat Modifier Rule Elements.
Added rule elements to all Ancestry Templates to automatically grant the appropriate ancestral language.
Transitioned Dwarf and Elf speed rule elements from a Flat Modifier to an Active Effect Like, consequently the speed changes now show up on the NPC character sheet.
Updated the DC formula for ancestral cantrips granted by the Elf, Seer; Gnome, Fey-Touched; and Gnome, Wellspring heritages to scale better at higher levels, following the principle from the creature building guide in the GMG that if a creature has spells it should at least have the moderate DC such that it can feasibly use them.
Added 5 new Macros that automate adding ancestral cantrips, with the DCs described above and innate casting more generally.
Added Toggle to Dwarf, Ancient-Blooded heritage for its Call on Ancient Blood reaction.
Corrected several typos.
Beta release for Foundry v10. May contain bugs.
Updated Journal styling to take advantage of FoundryVTT v10's journal technology.
Updated Macros to work on FoundryVTT v10
Migrated actors and items to PF2e v4.0.0
Improved the behaviour of the Sorcerous Template Macro, such that if you apply multiple different bloodlines the spells end up associated with the correct spellcasting entry.
Improved the Spell List Generator.
Previously it created a list of spells that matched both your selected traits and schools and when it ran out it would pull from all spells of the appropriate level, excepting spells with traits you had banned.
Now it creates a list of all spells that match both your selected traits and schools, and when it runs out it pulls from a list that matches either your selected trait or school, before switching to pulling from all spells of the appropriate level, excepting spells with traits you have banned.
Fixed typographical errors.
Fixed errors with Canine Companion Armour Class
Fixed errors with the Goblin Ancestry, where it would apply the wrong heritage.
Updated Psychic Shackles to be an Arcane and Occult spell.
Updated content for PF2e 3.13.6 on foundry V9 build 280.