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JQuery Plugin for dynamic table - designing based on bootstrap4

1. General Overview -

I am great admirer of datatable. I used it for long time and feel something can be improved in it - specifically, when it comes to work with dynamic contents recieving from server, search on specific columns, search in range, changing the representation of data (column) in table.

This plugin has been developed to synchronize data with server, search on specific columns and rendering as easy as possilbe. It will not look in client side to search. This allows you to set range serach. To work with this you just need to know how to write JSON object in javascript and initialize the jQuery plugin.

2. Example based on

Lets start with api returned by

If example gives an empty table then - search for access-token in index.html file and change the value by visiting and click in first resource link listed in Resources topic

2.1 html for table

<table id="dynamicTable">

2.2 json object that shoud be created to initialize the table

template key has been used to custom rendering, ::key_name will be replaced with the dynamic value in api and ::(object_name):: will map the current column value to that object. Following json object is the structure for columns (name, email, status, website) and an action button.

columnInfo	= {
                        {   name : 'name',
                            type: 'text',
                            template: '<img src="::_links.avatar.href::" style="width: 60px; border-radius: 50%;"/> ::name::',
                            searchable: true
                            name: 'email',
                            type: 'text',
                            label: 'Email',
                            searchable: true
                            name: 'status',
                            label: 'Status',
                            badgeClasses: {
                                'inactive': 'badge-danger'
                            template : '<a class="change-status" href="javascript:;" id="::id::"> <span class="badge ::(badgeClasses)::">::status::</span></a>',
                            tdClass: 'text-center',
                            name: 'website',
                            type: 'text',
                            label: 'Website',
                            template: '<a href="::website::" target="_blank">::website::</a>',
                            searchable: true,
                actionButtons : 
                        <a title = "Click to edit this record" href="::_links.self.href::"> <i class = "fa fa-eye"></i> View</a>

2.3 initialize the table with jQuery plugin

    // custom table that you want to apply on table 
    class: 'table-bordered table-striped',
   // api from where you want to fetch data formm
   url: '',
   // method used to call api
   method : 'GET',
   // key in api that give information of total items
   totalItemsKey: '_meta.totalCount',
   // key in api which hold the items that need to shown
   dataItemsKey: 'result',
   // column info that is given
   columnInfo: columnInfo,
   // default parameters that you want to send along with api call
   params: {'_format': 'json',
	   'access-token': 'IHV_k_ry6RjB1Pns90WDZKKGVih42hXSeEp2'

2.4 Output screen shot of above example

Screen Shot 2019-03-22 at 11 00 58 AM

3. Column options

Following structure has possible options to a column

    name : 'key_in_api',
    label: 'Caption Displayed on Head of the column',
    searchable: 'flag_for_whether_column_will_be_searchable_or_not',
    type: 'type_of_input_to_show',
    template: '<a href="::website::" target="_blank">::website::</a>',
    tetemplates: [
    	    expression: '(::customer_id::)',
	    // no template display jsut value there
                expression: '(!::customer_id::)',
                template: '<a class="btn assign-customer-id btn-primary btn-sm text-light" subscriber-id="::id::"> <i class = "fa fa-plus"></i> Customer Id</a>'
    options: [{'key': 'key_name', 'value': 'vlaue'}],
    url: 'url_to_load_list_in_select_input',
    tdClass: 'classes_that_you_want_to_apply_to_parent_table_data',
    visible: true,
    range: true

3.1 name - @string and mandatory

name is a string whose which is corresponding to the name of the field or key in the json object which is equivalent to the row fetched form database. This is mandatory.

3.2 label - @string and mandatory

label is the string which will be displayed on head of the column

3.3 searchable - @string and [optional]

searchable this is the flag for whether the search input will be displayed under the heading.

3.4 type - @string and [optional]

type is string for search input. It's possbile values are text / number / date / select. This is dependable in searchable option.

3.5 template - @htmlstring and [optional]

template is the string of html element(s). This feature allows you to compose user interface as per required. It has following pattern.

template : '<a class="change-status" href = "javascript:;" id = "::id::"> <span class = "badge ::(badgeClasses)::"> ::status:: </span></a>'

Let's understand this by example given above. status key has been taken here. This template shows a badge sorrounded by anchor tag. Every thing is in plain html except id = "::id::", class = "badge ::(badgeClasses)::", ::status::. Here- string in between :: is the key exists in json object represting a row. Thus, ::id:: will be replaced by dynamic value of and same thing applies to ::status:: and replaced by - rowObject.status. Now difference is with - ::(badgeClasses):: this map the current key value to some object. Here, key is - column name and the mapping object is badgeClasses with is defined within the column. To understand this please look into above example with output and read about mapping_object described below.

3.6 mapping_object - @jsonObject [optional]

mapping_object name could be anything and one column may have multiple mapping object. This holds the json object with possible values of the column. Suppose, user's activeness and possible values are active and inactive. Now, you need to have differnet color code for these states. Now, you can map them writing mapping_object with in template option. Look into above example.

3.7 templates - @arrayOfJsonObjects [optional]

templates is the array of templates and each template is the json object contain two keys expresion and template here tempalte key is optional and same as column.template option. It has following structure -

tetemplates: [
    	    expression: '(::customer_id::)',
	    // no template display jsut value there
                expression: '(!::customer_id::)',
                template: '<a class="btn assign-customer-id btn-primary btn-sm text-light" subscriber-id="::id::"> <i class = "fa fa-plus"></i> Customer Id</a>'

Let's start with expression key - which hold's the condition to apply paritcular template. If no template is there then it will simply disply the value there other wise template will be rendered there. Have a look in structure of templates option. (::cutomer_id::) will be converted to condition - (rowObject.customer_id) and (!::customer_id::) will be converted to (!rowObject.customer_id) and render the template as condition matched. You have to enclose dynamic key by ::. Suppose you have to make use of >= oprator then - experssion should be written as (::customer_id:: > 1).

3.8 options @arrayOfJsonObjects and [optional]

options holds the options to be displayed in select. Structure of options as follows -

 options: [
 		{'label': 'Active', 'value': 'active'},
        {'label': 'Inactive', 'value': 'inactive'}

Code presented in structure will populate 2 options.

3.9 url @string [optional]

url is the string of url from which options will be fetched and rendered to select box.

3.10 range @boolean [optional]

range is true by default. This option is applied to type value is among the number and date and provide two inputs From and To,you can have only one input by setting range option to false.

3.11 tdClass @string [optional]

tdClass option holds value that will be applied to parend td.

4 Options to dynamic-table initialization

dynamic table has following settings you can pass at initialiation

	url: 'url_for_restful_api',
	method: 'method_to_call_api',
	class : 'custom_class_that_will_be_used_in_table',
	pageSizes: [10,20,15,50], // page size that you want
	pageSizeControlName: 'name_assigned_to_pagesize_control',
	pageSize: currentpagesize,
	columnInfo: [],
	pagesEachSide: 4, // page each side to current page
	debounceTime: 300, //  time for type
	dataItemsKey: 'data', // key that holds the list of items that will be displayed
	totalItemsKey: 'total', // key that holds the info of total items
	params : {}, //default paramaters that will be sent while calling api
	xcsrftoken: null, // xcsrftoken, you can set this value by ajaxsetup or metatag 


JQuery Plugin for dynamic table






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