Symfony2 bundle generating dynamic filtered (client-side) lists using jQuery.
Your filtered list are builded using a behavior class binded in controllers.
To install this bundle please follow the next steps:
First add the dependencies to your composer.json
"require": {
"vvg/filterlist-bundle": "dev-master"
Then install the bundle with the command:
php composer update
Enable the bundle in your application kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new VVG\Bundle\FilterListBundle\VVGFilterListBundle(),
Then install the assets using the command:
php app/console assets:install web
Declare the behavior class
namespace App\StoreBundle\FilterList;
use VVG\Bundle\FilterListBundle\FilterList\FilterListBase;
use VVG\Bundle\FilterListBundle\Field\FilterListField;
class FancyList extends FilterListBase
public function configureFields()
$field = new FilterListField();
$field->setDisplayName('Ean code');
$field = new FilterListField();
$field->setDisplayName('Product name');
$field = new FilterListField();
$field->setDisplayName('Store name');
public function configureRepository()
$repo = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('CommerceBundle:Product');
public function configureQuery()
$queryBuilder = $this->getRepository()->createQueryBuilder('p');
$queryBuilder->innerjoin('', 's');
public function configureFieldQuery($fieldName, $fieldValue)
if($fieldName == 'ean_code')
$this->getQueryBuilder()->andWhere("p.ean = '". $fieldValue . "'");
if($fieldName == 'product_name')
$this->getQueryBuilder()->andWhere(" LIKE '%". $fieldValue ."%'");
if($fieldName == 'store_name')
$this->getQueryBuilder()->andWhere(" LIKE '%". $fieldValue ."%'");
public function configureOrderByQuery($fieldName, $sort)
if($fieldName == 'ean_code')
$this->getQueryBuilder()->orderBy("", $sort);
//same way
public function getFieldResult($fieldName, $result)
if($fieldName == 'ean_code')
return $result->getEan();
//same way
if($fieldName == 'store_name')
return $result->getStore()->getName();
public function getTotalCountResult()
return 'COUNT(p)';
public function hrefLink($result)
return $this->getRouter()->generate('Admin_product_detail', array('idproduct' => $result->getId()));
public function getPrimary($result)
return $result->getId();
//Events on selected data
public function getEvents()
return array(
'onDelete' => 'Delete task',
'onSomething' => 'Do something'
//Selected data manipulation method
protected function onDelete($entity)
//Selected data manipulation method
protected function onSomething($entity)
Usage in controllers:
* @Route("/admin/fancy_list", name="Admin_fancy_list")
* @Template()
public function mainAction()
$fancyList = $this->get('filterlist')
->setList(new FancyList())
return array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'fancyList' => $fancyList
* @Route("/admin/fancy_list/ajax", name="Admin_fancy_list_ajax")
* @Template()
public function fancyListAjaxAction()
return $this->get('filterlist')
->setList(new FancyList())
Usage in views:
<!-- Put this in your layout or view -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/vvgfilterlist/css/VVGFilterList.css') }}" />
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/vvgfilterlist/js/VVGFilterList.js') }}"></script>
<!-- Put this in your views -->
{% include 'VVGFilterListBundle::list.html.twig' with {'data': fancyList, 'listName' : 'myFancyList'} %}