This GitHub repository is owned and licensed by Ann Siroratt and Imm for educational purposes. Anyone wishing to extend or reuse the repository must obtain permission from both Imm and Ann.
- [run app]
flutter run
- [run app in chrome with disable -web-security]
flutter run -d chrome --web-browser-flag "--disable-web-security"
dart run build_runner build
flutter test --tags unit
flutter test --tags widget
flutter test --update-goldens --tags=golden
flutter test --update-goldens
- Error: cocopod not install or not invalid state. Solution Intel one, ARM one
- iOS simulator can connect using http://localhost:3000 But android emulator cannot. Android emulator need to use actual IP address or otherwise error will be throw from flutter code.
- navigate to server1's location. Given now terminal is at root project folder
cd api/server1
- pull server dependency
npm install
- start server
node app.js
- verify server health by running
. Need to install vscode extension, REST Client first. - Run e2e testing
npx jest app.test.js
Note: To run specific describe in test file, npx jest app.test.js -t {describe name}
- navigate to server2's location. Given now terminal is at root project folder
cd api/server2
- pull server dependency
npm install
- start server
node app.js
- verify server health by running
. Need to install vscode extension, REST Client first. - Run e2e testing
npx jest app.test.js
- Require server1 running
cd api/server1
node app.js
- Running integration test
flutter test integration_test/app_test.dart