Interactive Front-End Project, Live demo here.
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The aim of this project is to allow users to create home made cocktails and enjoy great meals at home. DineInside offers a search function so users can look up cocktails involving their favorite drinks and even the option for a meal to accompany your drink. The site also offers visual examples of both the cocktails and the drinks so users can have an idea of what each item looks like.
- Tailwind CDN
- JSDelivr
- Main page
- All buttons working
- Working search bar
- API calls from each API is on the project and works as intended
- Javascript
I WANT to find alcoholic/non-alcoholic cocktails paired with meals
SO THAT I can create a dine in restaurant vibe in the comfort of my home
GIVEN sets of ingredients, drinks, and meals.
WHEN I visit the website
THEN presented with main page with drink category nav bar & search button
WHEN I select a drink category
THEN it takes me to that page with similar drinks
WHEN I hover over a picture of a drink
THEN I can see what type of drink category it belongs to
WHEN I search an ingredient(s)
THEN I should be taken to a page with drinks or meals that contain that/those ingredient(s)
WHEN I search ingredients or meals
THEN I can have them saved as future preferences (localstorage)
Project is: complete
add a more interactive user experience where they are proposed potential meals depending on their drink selection rather than the meal pairing being random. This would be to promote a better food and drink pairing that users might better enjoy with their drink.
hone in on user’s locations to present them with their nearest liquor store/grocery store to make the experience from web to store and mixing linear and less complicated. The more we can do for our users, the less they can worry about the preparation and focus on relaxing and enjoying our suggested drink and meal combo.
Made with ❤️ by
- George Saad
- Jinhan Yang
- Anika McLean
- Nathan Boulianne
- Ore Banjoko