This repository contains the source code of a proof of concept demo for the Presentation API which is being developed by the Second Screen Presentation Community Group in W3C.
The demo lets you project a slide show made with HTML Slidy onto a second screen, and control it through a remote displayed on the first screen.
Demo and details available at
The repository contains a generic JavaScript shim for the Presentation API that supports casting content to Google Cast devices and attached second screens (under certain conditions), falling back to opening the content on a separate browser window. The shim could be re-used in other demos.
The source code is available under the W3C Software license.
For feedback on the demo or on the Presentation API itself, use the [email protected] mailing-list (with public archive) or get in touch with Francois Daoust if you do not wish your comment to appear in public.
Feel free to use the issue tracker to report bugs and feature requests.
This work was done with support from the European Commission under grant agreement no: 610404 (MediaScape).